How To Write A Book And Get Published - What You Must Know

By Lisa R. Neumann

Writing an article about how to write a book is not as easy as you may imagine. The reason for this is there is really no one way to write a book. The best thing you can do to figure out how to write a book is to simply start writing. It doesn't have to make sense. It doesn't even have to be correctly written. Just write. Take that idea from your head and put it on paper or on your computer screen. Do it, now. Don't wait for the perfect opportunity. Start writing. Now.

Writing has a beginning, middle, and an end. Some writers start at the end and then try to figure out how the story got there. Others like to start at the very beginning and work their way through to the end. And still others start with an idea that could be anywhere in the story. They just simply start.Start writing is the best advice any new writer can learn from an old pro. But, when they start talking to several old pros, they come to realize that there is no one way to begin. Each strategy works for each writer, so new writers may want to try several strategies until they find what works. But if you really want to hold a writer's imagination to the fire to get a definitive answer to how to write a book, then please read on.

If you're looking to write fiction, get the general storyline in your head and just start. No doubt the story will take twists and turns along the way, so don't worry too much at the beginning if you don't know where you're headed - just get at it. Don't worry about perfection. Just keep writing. You will need to do some re-writing no matter how perfect you think your writing is. It doesn't matter if you're a member of Mensa, you and every other writer should count on the need for at least minor revisions. You may not believe this at first, but when you finally complete your manuscript and put it aside for a few weeks, you'll find you've written things that require clarification, or abridging, or re-structuring. Passages of conversation that once seemed natural to you may later feel stilted. But don't worry about this while you're writing. Just keep going.

Let's imagine that you've read a Harry Potter novel, and you're so enthusiastic that you're inspired to write your own children's novel. The words pour out of you; you're on fire. You write and write and write, and the pages pile up on your computer's hard drive.This is great. While you're writing, ask yourself: "In a bookstore, where would this book of mine be shelved?"If you're not sure, go to a bookstore and wander around the shelves. Is your book in the nonfiction section? In the children's section? In the romance novel or mystery section?

I've written 27 books which have been published by traditional publishers, plus I have written five books which I have published myself. Not one of these books has taken me more than two weeks to write. And, even though one of them is 12 years old, it still continues to sell well in seven different countries in five languages and is one of the most borrowed books in libraries (according to my PLR statistics). So, even though it only took two weeks to write, it can't be that bad!

How do I know this will work? Because I did it myself. The original version of 101 Ways to Save Money on Healthcare was written in 100 days and on the market another 100 days later. I must have done a reasonably decent job at writing because a major publisher found the book and contracted with me for a re-release. I hope this works equally well for you.

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