A Brief Guide To Self Realization Actualization

By Kelly Wood

For a lot of people life can be frustrating. They might be in a job that they do not like or are suffering from stress. It can result in a cycle as more stress can be compounded by not achieving our goals. A way to break this cycle is by developing Self Realization Actualization.

This is not simply about pointing at yourself and saying how great you are. It is not about developing an ego. People can often mistake arrogance for self confidence when reality people who are overly arrogant are often masking insecurities about themselves and this can lead to depression and stress in later life.

This is not just about coaching. It is about finding the answers for yourself and developing your own motivation rather than getting someone to try and coax motivation out of you. Ultimately even the best advice from the best coaches can only be as good as the people following it.

Sometimes this can come from subconscious beliefs that have been developing in our minds over a long period of time. We may not realize it but friends, teachers, parents and coworkers can all affect how we perceive ourselves and for better or worse the messages they give us stay. This can be both positive and negative in equal measure. Even the most well meaning people can affect you negatively and often they may not know they are doing it. Equally some people can react positively to negative reactions in order to prove themselves.

For example say your parents were worried about you being hurt as a child. This could have meant they did not encourage you to play sports and may have continually told you to come down from high ledges or were a bit too quick to rush over when you cried and hurt yourself. While they may have meant well it can mean as an adult you have become cautious and you do not want to play sports or take risks as you worry about things going wrong.

However this process is not about blaming parents, personal circumstances or any other outside agents. It is about confronting this within yourself. Once you are aware of yourself and how you react you can begin to confront this and develop more as a person.

Once you do this it then becomes easier to set yourself goals as you overcome the obstacles you create in your own head. As you develop you can then become more open to new experiences and perceptions. This is all about going on a path and developing your personality and how you deal with obstacles in life.

The process of Self Realization Actualization is something that is a life long commitment. While there are some excellent courses and coaches that can help with this ultimately it has to come from you. Look online to find services in your local area to help boost your confidence and achieve your goals.

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