How to Quit Porn Addiction

By Eric L. Miller

It might be hard to understand for many, but porn addiction is as addictive as any physical drugs out there, and it's as hard to get off of it as well. With 260 million sites available on the internet with an annual revenue of over 13 billion in the United States alone, we can say that pornography is wide spread and doesn't show any sign of going down. This is why quitting porn addiction can be so hard for those who fell into the trap of the devastating habit of pornography.[]

Why is pornography so addictive? The reason why pornography is so terribly addictive is because it acts exactly like a physical drug by releasing powerful natural chemicals in the brain; which chemicals act exactly like illicit drugs making the person feel extremely "good". This feeling of pleasure is extremely addictive and therefore very enticing, making it very difficult for the sufferer to quit porn addiction.What types of individuals are addicted to porn? There is not any specific type of individuals that can be said to be more prone to sexual addiction than others. Although the vast majority is male there are also women addicted to pornography and other sexual behaviors. However, according to some studies it has been found that porn addicted people are rather bright, sensitive and even spiritual. In many of the cases the addiction has started because of a specific negative experience in childhood, teenage years or young adulthood.

Spend 5 Minutes Each Day Thinking About What Will Happen If You Don't.By doing this, you'll start to associate NEGATIVE outcomes and PAIN to the idea of continuing to watch a lot of porn.The negative outcome/pain association is the most important part of breaking a bad habit, in this case, the bad habit being -- watching too much porn.Decide What You Really Want.You better get clear about his, otherwise you'll never succeed.Do you want to quit watching porn forever?Or do you just want to stop watching as much porn as you do right now? Only you can decide, but decide you must.Stop Watching It!

For people wanting to quit porn addiction, they probably already tried but didn't succeed and here's why; most think they can simply do it by avoidance and willpower. Unfortunately it takes a lot more than that to quit porn addiction. It is something that needs to be treated to quit just like other addictions such as cigarettes, drinking problems etc.There is a lot of ways a person can find treatment to quit porn addiction. The best way of doing it however is by getting a good guide online. The reason for this is because most local services tend to be from religious centers which may not be the most preferred methods for many. Also, you cannot do it without showing your identity which is the major drawback for many.

Most people think when trying to quit porn that resisting will get you through. The reality is that you'll never make it really far by resisting against your urges and its only a matter of time before you'll crack and relapse. Even if you manage to resist for a decent amount of time, you must understand there are days that are much tougher than others and we will all eventually go through those days. That being said, you should look for a replacement instead.Confront And Replace.Another tip on how to quit pornography is to confront your urges and replace it. Instead of trying to avoid and resist, you need to acknowledge the fact that it's there and you need to treat it. The fact that you get a sudden urge is because your brain is in need of something to make you feel better. This is mostly due to triggers (which we will cover this later). Instead of resisting, find something to do that can replace your porn addiction.

If you've wondered how to stop porn addiction, then I'm sure it is because something isn't going very well. Most people who are trying to stop their porn addiction are starting to see that using porn has a very bad effect on a person. As such, there are things you can do about it and by reading the following, you will have a clearer understanding of porn addiction and how to stop it once and for all.Now there are many negative effects associated to this type of addiction such as committing shameful acts like masturbation, the use of sex toys, prostitutes, stripper etc. It can also cause mental problems like lowering ones self-esteem, desensitization and giving the wrong perception of reality and how things really are. This is a serious matter indeed and anyone who is thinking on learning how to stop porn addiction shouldn't wait any longer.

Most people that try to stop pornography addiction always go through the same phases and if you tried to stop in the past but failed, here's why. The most common cycle most people go through when trying to quit is first, by completely stopping and never go back, just like smoking. They will try to resist the temptations and avoid pornography as much as they can. As the time passes by, they start to feel the overwhelming temptation to watch porn and it comes to a point where they can no longer do anything without thinking about it. Finally, they simply give up and once they've committed the act, they feel ashamed and regret doing so but say to themselves that they'll do better next time. If you see yourself doing this, you need help.

You have to understand leaving it isn't that simple. Just like other additions, it needs treatment. Now there are many ways you can learn how to stop porn addiction whether it be by joining a local services or club or simply finding a good guide online. The most preferred method is usually by getting it online because you can remain anonymous and still learn how to stop porn addiction.Is willpower enough to be able to leave porn addiction behind for good? I will not say that willpower is not something that couldn't help you quit your sexual addiction, whether it's watching porn on the internet, masturbating or cruising to find prostitutes, however, it's a fact that willpower alone won't work for most people.

What does this mean? It means that any addiction is a major problem and any addiction requires you to be committed to solving it. To do this you must believe whole heartedly in the benefits of being cured of your addiction and you must be aware of what damage it is doing. Most importantly though you must understand and be aware of what actually originally caused you to begin your addiction.While the instant gratification I mentioned is what makes it easy for you to become addicted the reason why you needed to seek such things out again and again is a whole different story and may be as varied as the bizarre sex acts you find in the adult entertainment industry!

It is essential that you learn who you truly are and love yourself from the inside. You might be surprise by such statement and think that you do, but you need to know that the fact that you are addicted to porn is proof enough that you have a self-esteem issue that needs to be re-established or even established in your mind for the first time.If your suffer from sexual addiction, you most likely have a problem to connect in a healthy and meaningful way with others, and learning how to do so is a great step towards leaving porn addiction behind. From there, you will finally be able to learn what true relationships and true intimacy is all about. However, all those important steps must be learned and followed in order to work.It is like a rehabilitation of the brain which controls all those behaviors, the good ones as well as the bad ones. With the right help you can rehabilitate your brain, and leave porn addiction behind once and for all. You can win this fight; it's not impossible. Others have succeeded and quite devastating sexual behaviors, but remember, your willpower alone might not be able to do the job on its own. A change in your brain connections will.

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