There are many different homeopathic remedies for anxiety that you can try, to heal your mind as well as your body. The first thing to do before you begin is to figure out what type of anxiety you have. This article will discuss some of the most common types and offer some natural treatments for each. Educating yourself about the different types of anxiety as well as the treatments for them is a great place to begin, consulting a doctor or homeopath is also recommended before you begin any treatments.
Firstly, let's discuss what homeopathy actually is so you have a clear understanding of the treatments discussed below. Homeopathy is a particular system of medicine that treats a person with highly diluted substances, typically in tablet form, it is believed this will trigger the body's natural healing system. Based on symptoms, a homeopath will choose the appropriate medicine for that patient. The dosages are prepared by pharmacies that specialize in homeopathy and vary in potency which allows for specific treatment plans for each individual.The first step of treating anxiety with homeopathic remedies is to determine which type of anxiety you are suffering from. Four types and their homeopathic remedies are outlined below.
In order to feel more calm though, there are some remedies that are herbal that have been a great help to a lot of individuals. Some remedies like Passionflower can be ingested in a variety of ways, which produce a feeling of relaxation for many people. Some herbs even help with insomnia and stomach problems which can flare up during times of acute stress.You have to be careful when you take herbs or supplements like these though, because they can cause some unwanted side-effects. As with any medication, always consult your doctor before taking anything new to be on the safe side.As an anxiety sufferer, you have a few things that you can do that can do to try to get through your anxiety without becoming dependent on some pill that you end up becoming addicted to, which never helped you in the first place.As a Homeopath, I deal with a large number of clients (adults and children) suffering from anxiety. So, I'm writing this article to give you, the reader, information about homeopathic medicine, and also to give you information about which remedy may be useful for your anxiety. The correct homeopathic remedy can cure anxiety swiftly and painlessly.
Although homeopathic medicine works on all physical and emotional ailments, I decided to focus on anxiety in this article because anxiety seems to be at an all time high in our society. Anxiety can stop you in your tracks and have a devastating impact on the quality of your life. It is an intense emotional pain that we will do anything to avoid. We are programmed to move away from pain towards pleasure as quickly as possible. When we do this with anxiety, the anxiety gathers momentum because it is not challenged (what we resist persists). In our bid to avoid future bouts of anxiety, we will develop a range of strategies to cope. One strategy is avoidance. The anxious person knows what triggers their anxiety so they avoid those situations. This hugely restricts the freedom of the sufferer and leaves the anxiety lying dormant just waiting to strike again. Often people with anxiety will not seek treatment because they fear that they will have to face their anxiety and suffer through it in order to be cured. This is not the case with homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy does not just control the symptoms of anxiety. It cures the anxiety at its root. It cures naturally and safely without conscious effort on your part. I will list some useful remedies at the end of this article, but first let us look at anxiety.
There are various intensities of anxiety ranging from the mild natural anxiety felt when facing a new situation right up to the horror of a full-blown panic attack. People suffering from emotional pain will tell you that they would far rather suffer a physical pain than the agony of anxiety or depression. Symptoms of anxiety can include rapid heartbeat and breathing, shaking, nausea, sweating, muffled hearing, feeling faint, great fear, desire to escape. People who suffer panic attacks will tell you that the sensation of panic can be so dramatic they feel as if they are going to die.
Anxiety is always a response to immediate or future anticipated events. The symptoms of anxiety are created by our natural 'fight or flight' response. We see or anticipate danger, our body then reacts by ensuring we are physically ready to fight or flee. This response is healthy when we are faced with a hungry lion in our back garden but that doesn't happen very often in our society. Most of our anxieties are about everyday occurrences that do not require physical strength to fight, or agility to run. We may have anxiety in social gatherings, or when we are required to do a presentation. Neither of these activities requires us to fight or flee so we are just left with the uncomfortable feeling produced by our fight or flight response making us want to flee!
What are the main co-morbid disorders? The first one is anxiety and depression. The second most common one is oppositional defiance disorder (ODD) followed closely by OCD. The latter stands for obsessive compulsive disorder.Actually, OCD is very closely related to anxiety because this is where the child becomes over anxious about things that may harm, frighten or dirty his environment. He becomes obsessed with these and will perform repetitive rituals or compulsions in order to protect himself from these. Somebody has appropriately called this disorder an overactive alarm system.
The second almost unknown fact is that the psychostimulant drugs like Adderall and Ritalin, when prescribed for ADHD, often increase anxiety and the child is left feeling very unhappy. This seems to be the antitheses of what a happy childhood should be.Yet the pharmaceutical companies have played this one down so much that people rarely know anything about it. They know all about the so called heart risks (which actually seem to be almost nil) but nothing about anxiety which is rife!
I have listed below a few remedies that will help with anxiety and I have detailed a few of the symptoms that would indicate each remedy. Each remedy should be 30c potency and should be taken initially 3 times a day. An extra remedy should be taken during times of high anxiety. After a few days pay attention to any changes you may be experiencing. Once you start feeling better, stop taking the remedy as long as you feel better and as long as you feel you are improving. Only start taking the remedy again if you feel you may have stopped healing before you feel completely cured or if your symptoms initially improved but you feel you may be getting worse again.Arsenicum Album.You may have general anxiety. You like things neat and tidy and may be an expert list maker. You may feel anxiety in your stomach and may feel nauseous. You may be restless.
Argentum nitrucum.This remedy is indicated for obsessive disorder, panic attacks and claustrophobia. You may feel compelled to look for exits. You may be easily overwhelmed by panic, which makes you restless and agitated. You may constantly create (often strange) disaster scenarios in your mind.Calcium Carbonica.May be indicated in children with school phobia. The child finds it hard to face new situations. May have had slow developmental milestones.Silica.A good remedy for people who are shy and not confident in social settings and may withdraw into their own world when faced with social exposure.Gelsemium.Take for fear of failure before an exam or interview.Nux Vomica.Good for workaholics who worry about business and turn to alcohol to ease stress. They often eat unhealthy fatty foods. They may be bad tempered.Rhus toxicodendron.This is useful for people who are superstitious and do things such as avoid cracks in the pavement. They may compulsively check that things are turned off before leaving the house.
Firstly, let's discuss what homeopathy actually is so you have a clear understanding of the treatments discussed below. Homeopathy is a particular system of medicine that treats a person with highly diluted substances, typically in tablet form, it is believed this will trigger the body's natural healing system. Based on symptoms, a homeopath will choose the appropriate medicine for that patient. The dosages are prepared by pharmacies that specialize in homeopathy and vary in potency which allows for specific treatment plans for each individual.The first step of treating anxiety with homeopathic remedies is to determine which type of anxiety you are suffering from. Four types and their homeopathic remedies are outlined below.
In order to feel more calm though, there are some remedies that are herbal that have been a great help to a lot of individuals. Some remedies like Passionflower can be ingested in a variety of ways, which produce a feeling of relaxation for many people. Some herbs even help with insomnia and stomach problems which can flare up during times of acute stress.You have to be careful when you take herbs or supplements like these though, because they can cause some unwanted side-effects. As with any medication, always consult your doctor before taking anything new to be on the safe side.As an anxiety sufferer, you have a few things that you can do that can do to try to get through your anxiety without becoming dependent on some pill that you end up becoming addicted to, which never helped you in the first place.As a Homeopath, I deal with a large number of clients (adults and children) suffering from anxiety. So, I'm writing this article to give you, the reader, information about homeopathic medicine, and also to give you information about which remedy may be useful for your anxiety. The correct homeopathic remedy can cure anxiety swiftly and painlessly.
Although homeopathic medicine works on all physical and emotional ailments, I decided to focus on anxiety in this article because anxiety seems to be at an all time high in our society. Anxiety can stop you in your tracks and have a devastating impact on the quality of your life. It is an intense emotional pain that we will do anything to avoid. We are programmed to move away from pain towards pleasure as quickly as possible. When we do this with anxiety, the anxiety gathers momentum because it is not challenged (what we resist persists). In our bid to avoid future bouts of anxiety, we will develop a range of strategies to cope. One strategy is avoidance. The anxious person knows what triggers their anxiety so they avoid those situations. This hugely restricts the freedom of the sufferer and leaves the anxiety lying dormant just waiting to strike again. Often people with anxiety will not seek treatment because they fear that they will have to face their anxiety and suffer through it in order to be cured. This is not the case with homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy does not just control the symptoms of anxiety. It cures the anxiety at its root. It cures naturally and safely without conscious effort on your part. I will list some useful remedies at the end of this article, but first let us look at anxiety.
There are various intensities of anxiety ranging from the mild natural anxiety felt when facing a new situation right up to the horror of a full-blown panic attack. People suffering from emotional pain will tell you that they would far rather suffer a physical pain than the agony of anxiety or depression. Symptoms of anxiety can include rapid heartbeat and breathing, shaking, nausea, sweating, muffled hearing, feeling faint, great fear, desire to escape. People who suffer panic attacks will tell you that the sensation of panic can be so dramatic they feel as if they are going to die.
Anxiety is always a response to immediate or future anticipated events. The symptoms of anxiety are created by our natural 'fight or flight' response. We see or anticipate danger, our body then reacts by ensuring we are physically ready to fight or flee. This response is healthy when we are faced with a hungry lion in our back garden but that doesn't happen very often in our society. Most of our anxieties are about everyday occurrences that do not require physical strength to fight, or agility to run. We may have anxiety in social gatherings, or when we are required to do a presentation. Neither of these activities requires us to fight or flee so we are just left with the uncomfortable feeling produced by our fight or flight response making us want to flee!
What are the main co-morbid disorders? The first one is anxiety and depression. The second most common one is oppositional defiance disorder (ODD) followed closely by OCD. The latter stands for obsessive compulsive disorder.Actually, OCD is very closely related to anxiety because this is where the child becomes over anxious about things that may harm, frighten or dirty his environment. He becomes obsessed with these and will perform repetitive rituals or compulsions in order to protect himself from these. Somebody has appropriately called this disorder an overactive alarm system.
The second almost unknown fact is that the psychostimulant drugs like Adderall and Ritalin, when prescribed for ADHD, often increase anxiety and the child is left feeling very unhappy. This seems to be the antitheses of what a happy childhood should be.Yet the pharmaceutical companies have played this one down so much that people rarely know anything about it. They know all about the so called heart risks (which actually seem to be almost nil) but nothing about anxiety which is rife!
I have listed below a few remedies that will help with anxiety and I have detailed a few of the symptoms that would indicate each remedy. Each remedy should be 30c potency and should be taken initially 3 times a day. An extra remedy should be taken during times of high anxiety. After a few days pay attention to any changes you may be experiencing. Once you start feeling better, stop taking the remedy as long as you feel better and as long as you feel you are improving. Only start taking the remedy again if you feel you may have stopped healing before you feel completely cured or if your symptoms initially improved but you feel you may be getting worse again.Arsenicum Album.You may have general anxiety. You like things neat and tidy and may be an expert list maker. You may feel anxiety in your stomach and may feel nauseous. You may be restless.
Argentum nitrucum.This remedy is indicated for obsessive disorder, panic attacks and claustrophobia. You may feel compelled to look for exits. You may be easily overwhelmed by panic, which makes you restless and agitated. You may constantly create (often strange) disaster scenarios in your mind.Calcium Carbonica.May be indicated in children with school phobia. The child finds it hard to face new situations. May have had slow developmental milestones.Silica.A good remedy for people who are shy and not confident in social settings and may withdraw into their own world when faced with social exposure.Gelsemium.Take for fear of failure before an exam or interview.Nux Vomica.Good for workaholics who worry about business and turn to alcohol to ease stress. They often eat unhealthy fatty foods. They may be bad tempered.Rhus toxicodendron.This is useful for people who are superstitious and do things such as avoid cracks in the pavement. They may compulsively check that things are turned off before leaving the house.
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