Help Is Available For Port Charlotte Mental Health Conditions

By Cornelia White

Someone need not be alone when suffering a case of clinical depression. Many feel they are isolated and cannot connect with others. In port charlotte mental health problems are offered help.

Anyone can suffer mild depression momentarily, especially if a loved one passes away. But, when a depression is at the clinical level, it affects every facet of life. The individual may be unable to work or participate in social activities.

Depression can take many forms. In the case of a major depression, it will last for two weeks, usually longer. Eating disorders, sleep difficulties and a lack of concentration are some symptoms.

Dysthymia exhibits many of the same symptoms. Although they have similarities, dysthymia is a milder disorder. The sufferer may lose some sleep, but not an entire night, for example.

When a woman gives birth, it is supposed to be a happy event. But, there are some new mothers stricken with post-partum depression. The infant may not be crying all the time, and her sadness has nothing to do with the child. Professional help is necessary.

The person who is bipolar is difficult in many ways. One day he may be unable to function. The next morning he may be hyperactive and have some irrational behavior. The mood swings go from deep depression to a manic fervor.

Until recent years there was not a clear understanding of seasonal affective disorder. This kind of depression depends on the changing of the seasons. Fall and winter see the majority of cases. Lack of sunlight is now considered causative.

Depression with psychosis is relatively uncommon. It is, as the name indicates, an illness in which the sufferer has delusions and hallucinogenic behavior. Added are severe symptoms of depression. Professional treatment is mandatory in these cases.

Schizophrenia is a mental condition that renders the person unable to distinguish the real from the delusion. A prescription medication can provide some improvement. Usually, the person is under the impression that someone is following them for some reason.

Disorganized schizophrenia is an even more severe mental illness. The individual cannot manage to feed himself or take care of showering and brushing his teeth. He may speak in a way that others cannot understand. He has outburst of rage at times.

The catatonic schizophrenic looks as if he is in a coma part of the time. Or, he may alternate with periods of manic behavior. Unless treatment is provided, the catatonic state can last for more than a month.

Anxiety disorders and mood disorders can strike children as well as adults. They may also be subject to psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia. A child is hard to diagnose and treat in many cases.

The signs may go undetected by friends and family. The child may have mood changes and withdraw from the family and normal pastimes. He or she may exhibit intense emotions. In some cases mental health issues cause a child or adult to self-injure.

It is not necessary for these individuals to go without the treatment that would help. With port charlotte mental health care readily available, there is no need for them to suffer. In many cases the person can go from suicidal to relatively content with counseling and medication.

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