What to Expect With an OCD Test

By Gerda J. Worth

The condition often referred to as "OCD" (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a serious anxiety disorder that occurs in approximately 2% of all adults. An aspect that distinguishes it from many other mental health issues is how much it varies among the range of people suffering it. The actual symptoms for instance, can vary from an obsession with counting objects to experiencing frequently occurring thoughts of violence. When seeking a diagnosis, a registered doctor with experience treating Obsessive Compulsive patients can provide an accurate assessment. If this option isn't available though - there are effective online OCD tests that can serve to screen patients as the first step of the diagnosis process.

At home tests.There are going to be a lot of questions asked during an OCD test. Questions about concerns with germs will be there as will questions about keeping things in order. There will also be questions about thoughts that come to mind and regular worries that go on throughout the day. The test will move on to inquire about repetitive acts that are performed, how they make someone feel and if there is a chronic need to do them all the time. It's extremely important to answer all of these truthfully, as incorrect answers can change the results of the test.Doctor's office tests.When at the office of a physician, they will likely give patients a number of different tests. These will help the doctor come to the proper diagnosis so they can rule out other illnesses or disorders that could be a result of the symptoms as well. The physical exam will be much like a regular checkup. The physician will check blood pressure, heart rate, height, weight and listen to the lungs and heart to make sure they are functioning properly.

The lab tests will screen individuals for things like drugs and alcohol, just so they can be ruled out for causing the symptoms to arise. The psych evaluation is one of the most important tests. This is going to be an in-depth question and answer session between the patient and doctor. Questions about thoughts, patterns, feelings and symptoms are going to be asked. Sometimes friends and family will be brought in to answer questions, but this depends on the person.Diagnosis.In order for this disorder to be diagnosed by a doctor, there are certain pieces of criteria that have to be met. First of all, individuals must have obsessions and compulsions that are bothersome. The patient may also need to understand that these are excessive and have no valid reason for happening. Those obsessions and compulsions also need to play a large role in the life of the patient and interfere with their daily activities or routines.

In addition to this, patients must also have other signs and symptoms. These include: recurrent thoughts, excessive worries about random things, repetitive behavior, uncalled for mental acts. Once the doctor has determined that this is the disorder, treatment is the next step. There are a variety of different treatment options that each person can explore.Treatments.Medication and psychotherapy are the most common treatments and are sometimes done simultaneously. The medications can help patients gain control of their compulsions and obsessions so they don't take over their everyday life. Antidepressants are among the most commonly prescribed because they help change brain chemistry. Some of the antidepressants that are prescribed include: Prozac, Zoloft, Anafranil and Paxil. There are other options, but these are normally tried first. The tests will help the doctor choose which medication to prescribe.

If you feel you are at risk of having OCD, or are showing troubling signs consistent with the symptoms, consult your local doctor or as a first step take an online OCD screening test.There are a lot of different symptoms of OCD that can help people identify whether or not they have it. Even if someone shows several symptoms they should see a doctor before they diagnose themselves. There are a lot of other mental disorders that are closely related to OCD and will show the same symptoms. Doctors will run a number of different tests in order to give the proper diagnosis. The symptoms are just one part of the diagnosing process, but they are looked at very closely.

Every individual has certain habits and routines in their daily lives. If certain patterns of repeated behavior interfere with the day to day life, medical help should be sought. The individual might be suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder, an anxiety disorder where the individual has obsessive thoughts and displays compulsive behaviors. Double checking if the door has been locked can be considered a compulsive disorder if the person starts doing this every now and then. Even if the person attempts to control the behavioral problem on his own, he might not succeed. Obsessive compulsive disorder treatment can help people break free from their unreasonable urges.People who are under the grip of OCD tend to experience the following: Obsessions - Recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced at some time during the disturbance as intrusive and inappropriate and that cause marked anxiety or distress. Some of the most common examples include:Fear of dirt or contamination by germs,Fear of causing harm to others,Fear of making a mistake,Repeated doubt,Unacceptable,sexual thoughts,Need for order or symmetry.

Compulsions - Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that the person feels driven to perform in response to an obsession, or according to rules that must be applied rigidly which are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event or situation; however, these compulsions either are not connected in a realistic way or are clearly excessive. Some of the most common examples include:Repeating actions, such as washing hands or cleaning Checking and rechecking that something has been done, like the oven has been turned off,Repetitively arranging objects,Counting frequently,Repeating a word, phrase or prayer,Hoarding or keeping items that have little importance

Children don't always know how to express themselves and their anxieties. This is why they will act out in so many different ways that parents might not understand. Actions are easier for children to do and can make them feel better about things that might be stressing them out. There are a lot of symptoms that parents can look out for, but these will differ for each child. Going to a doctor is important if many of these are experienced.Some of the most common obsessions parents can look for include: fear of germs, need for a clean bedroom, aggressive behavior, lucky numbers, fearing that loved ones will get hurt and need for order. Adults should realize when a behavior is more out of control than it should be with their kids. Obsessive behaviors are pretty easy to spot with most kids.

Some common compulsions in children include: clearing the throat, twitching, rituals that have to be followed exactly, counting items, repeating things, washing hands, showering often and many more. Compulsions are not always as common as obsessions are. Just because a child is cleaning their room often and washing their hands doesn't necessarily mean they have OCD. Sometimes these symptoms will go away as a kid grows up; it all varies based on the individual.

Treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy, behavioral therapies, and in some cases medication. Behavioral therapies for OCD include ritual prevention and exposure therapy. Exposure therapy is the process by which the individual with OCD is put in touch with situations that tend to increase the OCD sufferer's urge to engage in compulsions, then helping him or her resist that urge, and furthermore reinforcing the outcome with evidence that proves the affected patient will not indeed experience a traumatic situation as the thought patters had previously insisted. CBT helps patients change the negative styles of thinking and behaving that are often associated with the anxiety involved with obsessive compulsive disorder.Obsessive compulsive personality is often misinterpreted as perfectionism during the early stages of the condition. Regardless of the intensity of the behavioral issue that the person suffers from, medications, response prevention and CBT are used for the OCD treatment on adults. These almost have equal impact, even though it is mild to moderate. ERP and CBT are proved to be efficient if used alone with evidence based methods. Studies have been conducted on the impact of anxiety disorder treatment on children and adolescents as well. Medications are effective, but the improvement is mild.

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