What Learning Disabilities Need Applied Behavior Analysis

By Jennie Sandoval

A lot of kids these days are suffering from disabilities that make it difficult for them to learn. As this is the case, a lot of teachers and parents appreciate the existence of applied behavior analysis California. With such a procedure, he should be able to communicate with those children who are yet to develop their learning abilities.

Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities that people will have to overcome. If the person encounters such problems, it is only appropriate for him to address those difficulties for reading. Those children with dyslexia will usually have trouble when it comes to spelling, speaking, writing, and reading.

Another one on the list is the dyscalculia. As what the name sounds, this is the kind of learning disability which will make the child suffer some difficulty comprehending math. This basically means that the child suffering from this disability will have some difficulties doing mathematics problems, understanding time, and using money.

He should also pay attention to those children who are suffering from dysgraphia. This is the kind of learning disabilities that will make the child suffer a lot of difficulties with writing. This means that the person will have some problems with spelling, his handwriting, and even organizing ideas that he has in his head.

Dyspraxia should be considered well too. He should know that this is the type of learning disorder that he will have to get addressed as soon as possibility. With this type, he will have to deal with the disorder that affects the fine motor skills of the child. This type of learning disorder is actually known as sensory integration disorder too.

There is also the dysphasia and asphasia. He should be the one who knows the most about this if he wants to address this issue. This is the type of disorder which makes the affected person to suffer with language. It will make it extremely difficult for him to understand any spoken language and even reduce his ability for reading comprehension.

There are others who will suffer from the auditory processing disorder. This is the kind of disorder where the person will suffer from any difficulty with hearing the differences between sounds. This will have a big impact on the ability of the person to learn through reading, comprehension, and even language.

It is also important that the takes care of the visual information that he processes. Those people who cannot really process visual information will end up having difficulties when they are asked to identify or read maps, pictures, symbols, and charts. At times, even mathematics become a difficult subject for him.

There are still other disabilities that the person should learn about if he wants to determine whether one requires applied behavior analysis California. It will be more beneficial for him if he learns more about the said topic. If he does make a proper research about this topic, then he will certainly be able to handle those children who have these learning disabilities.

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