How To Increase Enthusiasm, Support For Workplace Charitable Giving

By Sebastian Troup

One of the most challenging aspects of managing a workplace giving campaign is getting the employees engaged. This can be particularly difficult for a campaign at a larger company where people are busy doing many different things throughout the day. Most employees would love to contribute to charitable causes, but with all the demands of the workplace, it may not always be a priority. There are some simple things you can do to build employee interest for a workplace giving program, and most of them center on taking a more strategic approach to your campaign.

You will have more success if you personalize the charity for everyone. For instance, if you choose to support a group that promotes literacy, this might not be something to which most of your employees relate. However, if you bring in speakers to express how the charity has impacted their lives, this can really make it more personal and provide a genuine human connection. This can make a huge difference in employee support and enthusiasm for any project.

The last thing you want to do is cause division with a workplace giving program, so make sure that you choose a non-partisan cause. Helping children or helping to spread awareness about a specific disease or condition, such as breast cancer, are choices that appeal to a wider base of employees. Rather than choose a cause with a political agenda, select something that employees will feel comfortable about supporting regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum.

The year-end holiday season is the biggest time of year for charitable giving, but the reality is that charities need help throughout the year. Encouraging employees to give throughout the year will keep a steady flow of support going toward workplace giving, which will greatly benefit your charity or charities. Be sure to send updates and reminders about your workplace giving program throughout the year.

Nothing makes an employee feel better than knowing whatever efforts he or she has undertaken for a charitable cause has made a real difference; to be recognized for these efforts sweetens the reward. Using social networking sites to inform others of the good work employees have put forth will help validate their efforts, and in turn, employees will feel more inclined to stay active in a program. When an employee does an outstanding job in fundraising or volunteer efforts, public acknowledgement (both online and offline) goes a long way towards bolstering employee morale.

Make sure that management and employees operate as a team. When everyone works together, this is what truly builds that sense of camaraderie that you are trying to create. Helping a charity together helps the improve morale as well as contributing a worthy cause. For example, perhaps you are supporting a local food bank. When employees volunteer hours to help out at the food bank, managers should also be there working side by side. This is another important point. Your workplace giving should not just be about monetary donations. You need to provide managers and employees volunteer opportunities so they can truly feel a sense of teamwork and contribution.

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