The Best Self Defense Weapons Finally Reviewed

By Jordan R. Masten

As a young hunter then a soldier and former Policeman I've been around weapons most all my life and to me they are just tools machines if you will, machines that have to be respected. But for my wife well. she was just plain scared to the bone of the tools of my trade. But years back hearing me talk with the guys about work and the break-ins, the home invasions and other heinous acts that happen to good people she finally asked me to recommend something she could use.

Now Is The Time To Plan Home Defense,It takes very little planning now to enact some steps that can literally save your life if/when riots and looting strike your area. Contrary to popular opinion, you don't necessarily needs guns to protect yourself, your home and your loved ones from rioters or looters. Not if you are smart. The key is to "harden your house" to make is a less attractive target and also a more difficult place to loot. You won't have to brandish a firearm if looters never choose your house. The time to take these steps is now, when there is no emergency.

I continued a Shotgun is a versatile little gun and has been around in one form or another since guns were invented and since we still use them today it speaks volumes for their consistency. They can fire dangerous loads sure, but they can also shoot out bean bags or simply blanks. The point I was trying to make was nearly all men especially the bad guys know what a Shotgun is and the sight of the weapon can make a big mean nasty man turn to mush and when you charge the gun or put a bullet in the chamber to shoot it. The Shotgun has a distinct sound kind of a loud click slam whack sound. When you hear it you know it and the sound will fill a man with fear.

The next week I took her to the range with her small new pistol grip shotgun and we learned all about the machine I told her if you hear someone breaking in the house or a stranger comes to the door call 911 first then just go back to the bedroom and grab the tool off the hooks above the sliding doors in the closet put two blank rounds in the tube and simply ask the person trying to gain access to the house; Who is It? If the reply is not what you wanted to hear simply say I have a gun and I know how to use it. If they keep trying to come in rack the shotgun CLICK-SLAM at this point be prepared to fire the weapon aim it towards the ceiling and BAM they are very loud let one go. The blanks will do some damage to the ceiling but I can always fix that.

A More Fiendish Deterrent,While you are waiting for your roses to grow, or if there is an emergency before you have time to plant them, boards like 2 x 4's with nails sticking up will do the same thing. They can be either fastened to the window sill to let those approaching know what they are in for, or they can be placed on the ground under the windows with a half-inch of dirt concealing them, so that looters will discover them the hard way.

Your Final Line of Defense,If you have followed the steps above, your home is hardened and is much less likely to be burglarized or looted. However, there is always the chance that an unwelcome guest could get inside and threaten the safety of you and your family. If you don't have a firearm and some training, there is a simple non-lethal way to protect yourself. Mace or pepper spray is a great way to persuade someone to leave you alone. If you are going to be using it indoors, consider a gel type instead of a spray type, so that the entire room is not fogged with the noxious spray.

Lock all doors and windows even when you are at home.Use your peephole. If you don't have one-get one!Install some security cameras.Have some self defense products like a Mace pepper gun around the house in case someone gets in.Follow these top eight tips and your home security will be better and you will go a long way to preventing a home invasion.When you order get a two FREE E Books 'Making Your Home Secure' and 'Self Defense Tips For Women'. We will meet or beat any price on the internet for comparable products-Our Low Price Guarantee!Home security is becoming more important to homeowners as incidents of home invasion and home burglary happen more frequently. There is anecdotal evidence to show that home burglary is on the rise. Just look at your local TV station news every night. There's almost always a story about a home burglary or home invasion.

Alarms may also be used as women's self defense weapons. When an attacker hears a loud, shrill noise, he is more likely to back away and leave the scene. Personal alarms are also often disguised. Sometimes they take the shape of flashlights, and may also contain pepper sprays. Other personal alarms are small and sleek, but have a flashlight included in their design for women's self defense. There are also personal alarms that are shaped like key chains or can be attached to key chains.In many cases, the best self defense items women can use are stun guns. There is a large variety to choose. Many of the self defense products are small and easily disguised. One type of stun guns used for women's self defense is made in the shape of cell phones. They carry charges of as high as 950,000 volts. The best of these stun guns have disabling pins so that they will be useless to the attacker if he grabs it away from the woman.

Dummy security cameras or fake security cameras are a great way to improve your home defense for very little money. They're very real looking with blinking red lights, cabling and housing for the camera. Not many people can tell the real thing from the fake.Another tip that he said made him choose another house was a house that was lit up. Great ways to do that is to use motion activated spotlights on the outside and lights that are on timers on the inside. Light-sensitive timers will turn lights off in daylight and turn them on in darkness. They are great home defense tools for homeowners who work at night, for example.

The Video Patrol Camera is an outdoor, weather resistant spy camera that can take 26,000 still photos or 75 minutes of video. It uses an infrared sensor to record only when there is activity in front of it. It requires some light so if you have a spotlight outside that should be sufficient. It helps capture images of anyone who might be breaking into your house or vandals who would do damage to your car or property.It used to be that homeowners would hide a spare key underneath a doormat. There isn't a burglar alive who didn't know that trick. Now there are key safes that are in outdoor thermometers or in water sprinkler heads. So get creative and hide your spare key somewhere else.

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