With the stressful lifestyle we have today, anxiety conditions are very common among people. Stress at workplace, peers and at home can lead to problems of anxiety. Anxiety is defined as a continuous state of fear related to a situation or to an object. This overwhelming feeling of anxiety can lead to social and mental impairment that can impose negative effect on a person's health and well-being. Acupuncture for anxiety is known to be an effective and a safe method of relieving pain caused by stress. This is a technique use to alleviate stress in the body. And it is highly recommended as an alternative in the medicine field.
Chinese medicine practitioners believe that stress, anxiety, depression or any strong emotion interrupts the smooth flow of energy throughout the body.According to Chinese medical theory, anxiety blocks the free flow of energy through our body. This is thought to be a cause of muscle pain in areas such as the back and neck where energy is being blocked. Other areas negatively impacted by blocked energy may include digestion, blood pressure and your ability to get a good night's sleep.
Acupuncture is believed to help restore or redirect the free flow of energy, restoring a healthy balance.But, Can Acupuncture Help Reduce Anxiety?Research in the field of acupuncture has determined that there are points in your ear associated with anxiety. Treating the ear with acupuncture to eliminate anxiety is known as auricular acupuncture,To determine the efficacy of this type of acupuncture to help reduce anxiety, two researchers from Yale University School of Medicine - Drs. Wang and Kain - assembled a group of patients for a trial.They found that people who received acupuncture did have reduced anxiety, which may help patients anxious about an upcoming surgery.
The advantage of acupuncture for anxiety is that when it works, it works immediately. It can immediately help the patient to feel better compared to pharmaceutical interventions that takes hours or days to relieve anxiety or months in cases of depression. Another advantage of this method is that it never causes side effects. It works immediately and never creates dependency with patients.
Indeed, it is possible to use acupuncture for anxiety and depression related issues. With many people having busy lifestyles and more pressure at work places, there are more people who suffer from depression and anxiety related issues worldwide.As it is, the state of a person's mind and emotions can influence the physical health of that person. This due to the strong connection between the mind and body. Hence, it is not surprising that diet, advice about lifestyle and herbology all make up part of the acupuncture treatment in many cases.
People who suffer from anxiety conditions can often find it very difficult to deal with and there is little that conventional medicine can do to help. Often the answer is to turn to alternative therapies for help. This article will consider the ways in which acupuncture can help with anxiety conditions.Anxiety is something that everyone experiences at some time during their lives, for example before an exam or public speaking. However for some it is a far more serious condition. Those people who suffer from common anxiety can often feel on edge all of the time which can have a significant impact on their lives. For example they may struggle to do a number of everyday activities and this can cause them to suffer panic attacks. In addition it can affect a person's sleep and their overall health and so it is important to do whatever you can in order to reduce the levels of anxiety felt on a day to day basis.
In the case of acupuncture, one of the fire organs is the heart. Kidney is termed as a water organ. Both of them balance each other to keep a well-balanced energy flow in the body. A disturbed mind could be due to much heat. Excess of fire can cause heat. Many people who face anxiety have this heat problem.In relation to this, body or auricular acupuncture can be used to treat anxiety. Among the body organs, the liver is thought to play an important role for the distribution of vital energy or qi. An estimate of 20 percent of a country's population is thought to undergo depression at some juncture of their lives. When a person is depressed, he or she may feel extremely tired. A person may want to do something but he or she may feel the lack of energy to do so due to depression.
In terms of energy channels, there are fourteen such channels from the liver. If any particular were stagnant or blocked, then, it would have low flow of vital energy. This may cause sleep related problems, lack of proper digestion and so forth. Hence, the main focus for treatment of depression is liver in acupuncture. Other secondary organs are heart and spleen. Qi is the term used for vital energy in acupuncture.Any stagnant or blocked area could experience a low vital flow of energy from the liver.
Third eye point - this is the area between your eyebrows and bridge of your nose. Only a single needle is placed in this point and pressure applied is said to relieve nervousness.The chest is also another acupuncture point for anxiety. When you go for treatment, you will notice that needles will be placed on your chest. The area is said to have energy and can greatly be used in alleviating anxiety symptoms.Lower arm provides another acupuncture point in treating anxiety.Upper abdomen is another important point. Acupuncturists prefer as it is known to relieve anxiety.While undergoing treatment for anxiety using acupuncture, there are certain symptoms one can experience such as anger and agitation among others. You will also feel a rush. Lastly, it is possible to perform an acupuncture procedure on oneself when treating anxiety. The most important thing is to know the various acupuncture points for anxiety as mentioned above as this will go a long way in helping you treat anxiety.
Chinese medicine practitioners believe that stress, anxiety, depression or any strong emotion interrupts the smooth flow of energy throughout the body.According to Chinese medical theory, anxiety blocks the free flow of energy through our body. This is thought to be a cause of muscle pain in areas such as the back and neck where energy is being blocked. Other areas negatively impacted by blocked energy may include digestion, blood pressure and your ability to get a good night's sleep.
Acupuncture is believed to help restore or redirect the free flow of energy, restoring a healthy balance.But, Can Acupuncture Help Reduce Anxiety?Research in the field of acupuncture has determined that there are points in your ear associated with anxiety. Treating the ear with acupuncture to eliminate anxiety is known as auricular acupuncture,To determine the efficacy of this type of acupuncture to help reduce anxiety, two researchers from Yale University School of Medicine - Drs. Wang and Kain - assembled a group of patients for a trial.They found that people who received acupuncture did have reduced anxiety, which may help patients anxious about an upcoming surgery.
The advantage of acupuncture for anxiety is that when it works, it works immediately. It can immediately help the patient to feel better compared to pharmaceutical interventions that takes hours or days to relieve anxiety or months in cases of depression. Another advantage of this method is that it never causes side effects. It works immediately and never creates dependency with patients.
Indeed, it is possible to use acupuncture for anxiety and depression related issues. With many people having busy lifestyles and more pressure at work places, there are more people who suffer from depression and anxiety related issues worldwide.As it is, the state of a person's mind and emotions can influence the physical health of that person. This due to the strong connection between the mind and body. Hence, it is not surprising that diet, advice about lifestyle and herbology all make up part of the acupuncture treatment in many cases.
People who suffer from anxiety conditions can often find it very difficult to deal with and there is little that conventional medicine can do to help. Often the answer is to turn to alternative therapies for help. This article will consider the ways in which acupuncture can help with anxiety conditions.Anxiety is something that everyone experiences at some time during their lives, for example before an exam or public speaking. However for some it is a far more serious condition. Those people who suffer from common anxiety can often feel on edge all of the time which can have a significant impact on their lives. For example they may struggle to do a number of everyday activities and this can cause them to suffer panic attacks. In addition it can affect a person's sleep and their overall health and so it is important to do whatever you can in order to reduce the levels of anxiety felt on a day to day basis.
In the case of acupuncture, one of the fire organs is the heart. Kidney is termed as a water organ. Both of them balance each other to keep a well-balanced energy flow in the body. A disturbed mind could be due to much heat. Excess of fire can cause heat. Many people who face anxiety have this heat problem.In relation to this, body or auricular acupuncture can be used to treat anxiety. Among the body organs, the liver is thought to play an important role for the distribution of vital energy or qi. An estimate of 20 percent of a country's population is thought to undergo depression at some juncture of their lives. When a person is depressed, he or she may feel extremely tired. A person may want to do something but he or she may feel the lack of energy to do so due to depression.
In terms of energy channels, there are fourteen such channels from the liver. If any particular were stagnant or blocked, then, it would have low flow of vital energy. This may cause sleep related problems, lack of proper digestion and so forth. Hence, the main focus for treatment of depression is liver in acupuncture. Other secondary organs are heart and spleen. Qi is the term used for vital energy in acupuncture.Any stagnant or blocked area could experience a low vital flow of energy from the liver.
Third eye point - this is the area between your eyebrows and bridge of your nose. Only a single needle is placed in this point and pressure applied is said to relieve nervousness.The chest is also another acupuncture point for anxiety. When you go for treatment, you will notice that needles will be placed on your chest. The area is said to have energy and can greatly be used in alleviating anxiety symptoms.Lower arm provides another acupuncture point in treating anxiety.Upper abdomen is another important point. Acupuncturists prefer as it is known to relieve anxiety.While undergoing treatment for anxiety using acupuncture, there are certain symptoms one can experience such as anger and agitation among others. You will also feel a rush. Lastly, it is possible to perform an acupuncture procedure on oneself when treating anxiety. The most important thing is to know the various acupuncture points for anxiety as mentioned above as this will go a long way in helping you treat anxiety.
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