Tips And Suggestions Regarding How To Improve The Quality Of Your Life Now And In The Future

By Jocelyn Davidson

You seem to be always missing the mark when it comes to reaching your goals and dreams. You desperately need tips and suggestions regarding how to improve the quality of your life so you can become the person you have always dreamed of being. Something always seems like it is getting in the way and now you wish to remove these roadblocks for good.

First of all, take stock of where you are at and where you would like to be at this time in the future. Make a list of accomplishments you would like to achieve in one month, six months, one year, five years, and ten years. Within that list, figure out what small steps you can begin taking immediately toward your goal. Starting on this journey is half the battle. Keep this list where you can review it often and make a vision board to match it.

Vision boards are poster boards filled with visual reminders of where you want to be headed, what you would like to own and what you would like to finally accomplish. Simply cut pictures of personal wants and desires out of magazines and print them off of the internet. For example, if you desire a big, beautiful home and a happy marriage, choose pictures that depict this such as those of wedding rings, houses that match the dream, wedding dresses and two people holding hands. Hang this vision board where it will be the first thing you see when you wake up and the last item you will view before you fall asleep.

Be sure to read voraciously. There are so many great books by famous authors that can guide you on the way. Try volumes by Susan Jeffers, author of "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, " or Norman Vincent Peale's "You Can if You Think You Can." The insights they provide will be priceless to you during this journey of renewal.

Read biographies of famous people who have the knowledge, success and qualities that you would like to have. For example, if you work in computers or software and desire to make a mark both professionally and financially in this area, you may wish to read about Steve Jobs. Film fanatics and producers, especially females, may look for works and information on Nora Ephron and how she became a success very late in life.

Examine the lifestyles of those individuals who are living successfully and completely. Their habits can be what has made them what they are. Some may get up at the crack of dawn every day to start the process while others swear by their healthy and active lifestyles. Choose what works for you and begin.

Focus on the steps you need to take to become successful. Have no part of procrastination or laziness in becoming a productive and very balanced individual. Vices that keep you from the dreams you have need to be discarded immediately.

Improving yourself and the inner outlook you have will take hard work and self discipline. If you really desire to be someone with a promising future and a well-balanced existence, you must be willing to put in the time and effort to make it a reality. Do so and you will find that it was very well worth your while. Take responsibility for this one life you have and take the steps now to make it the best it can be.

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