The Common Denominator Of All Personal Stories And Testimonials Regarding Addiction

By Estelle Larsen

Alcohol and drug addiction has always been around ever since man had been consuming them. Now it is definitely common knowledge that taking drugs and alcohol in large volumes is definitely bad for health yet so many people still do it. In order to know why, it is best to get know of some personal stories and testimonials regarding addiction to know what is common between all these people.

Now everyone knows that the story of each patient is different from one another however there are some elements that they would have in common. The one common denominator of all these people is that they are not satisfied with the way things are going about which is why they resort to vices to enjoy. It gives them a sense of security because it can temporarily help them forget their problems.

Of course with every story, there would always be a reason as to why the storyteller chose to have an addiction. It was probably something in the line of depression or a certain trauma that he experienced. One thing that is definitely in common with all the stories is that all of patients had low self esteem and needed something to make them feel confident.

Of course due to all of those vices, he will tell the story of how to changed his behavior into something worse than before. Some of the changes would include short temper, anxiousness, reclusive tendencies and others. Of course his loved ones will then notice this drastic change in him and will actually try to help him get over it.

Of course the substance abuse will then badly affect the health of the one telling the story. This health issue will resort to pain and of course strong craving for the substance. For drug abusers, the craving involves physical pain and mental issues while alcohol abuse will result in a lot of health issues and damaging of the internal organs.

From there they would usually try to get help in trying to stop their abuse. The very first thing to do in order to stop everything is to change from the outside to the inside. In other words, one has to first make sure that he stops his substance abuse before he tackles with his life issues and his own personal issues.

Of course it is at this stage wherein he will be going through rehabilitation. Through some medical procedures that are going to be done, he will be cleansing his body of everything that is inside. With the aid of a psychologist, he will then go through severe emotional counseling and will try to fix the way his mind moves.

So as one can see, all the stories of people who have addictions have these elements in common. The great part about storytelling is that since all of them have some things in common, they all can relate to each other. Because they are all able to relate to each other, then at least they will have the feeling of not being alone and not having anyone understand them.

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