Weird National Holidays Are Everywhere

By Anita Ortega

It is natural for human beings to often make up events that will make them different from everyone else in this world. This is one reason that people will create weird national holidays that they can celebrate. Some of these days are very real and are a part of history while others are just created from someone's imagination. Americans will usually do anything to get a day off from work or any other type of labor. Children enjoy staying out of school as much as possible when these events happen.

Southern people consider themselves to be very proud of all of their accomplishments and everybody realizes this fact. It is also known that Hollywood creates their movies by certain southern standards. This is one reason why the government has allowed these people to have their very own Confederate Memorial Day.

People who travel during the spring and summer months will realize that states like Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee all respect this day. Everyone proud individual around will place their confederate flag upon the porch and wear certain uniforms.

Unfortunately the date will also separate the races since black people do not like Confederate Memorial Day. They state that this date represents all of the negative things that went on in history. The Civil War was fought by the north to end slavery but southerners disagreed with this action.

Caucasian people love this day in history and they do not care what their neighbors of color think at all. Even though many people disagree about Confederate Memorial Day it is still a time that state employees do not have to work. State agencies in southern America cease to do any business on this date.

Many blacks have even protested this day on many occasions but their efforts were futile. The government ignored their requests to end this Civil War catastrophe since it was already promised to certain individuals. Nowadays all state workers just enjoy having this time off and forget about the negative history surrounding the day.

If someone wants to change their name then February 13th is one special date for them. All human beings who have silly names can tell everyone around that their name is different on this date. There are a number of young black girls who wish to be called Sally or Susan instead of Latoria. Too many young black mothers will burden their child with an African name while living in American society. Boys who are named Jaquan may also want to be named Bill or Tommy for one day only.

The Middle Child Day happens on August 12th each and every year. This date will give all middle children the chance to be seen and heard. Parents everywhere can treat their second child to dinner and a movie on this day. The oldest and youngest child can also do great things for their middle sibling.

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