Significance Of Conducting Prayers For Humanity

By Dawn Williams

Before looking at significance of conducting prayers for humanity, it is important that we first have an understanding of what it means. Prayer may be described as a way of communicating to God. Humanity on the other hand may be described as being friendly to other or treating other with love and kindness. This article highlights some of the significance of conducting prayers for humanity.

The first significance to consider is enabling people to effectively communicate to God. It is through communication that we are able to express our thoughts and feelings. Since God is the creator of everything, it is necessary that we communicate with him. The prayer offers such an opportunity to communicate.

The Bible at Ephesians Chapter Number 6 verse 10 says that there are several battles and struggles which we are fighting here on Earth. The intention of the devil is to woe as to sin against God. He therefore engages us on several spiritual battles. These spiritual battles can only be fought by spiritual means. The prayer therefore provides the spiritual means of fighting these battles.

The Bible says at the book of Ephesians Chapter Number 6 verse 10 that human beings are in a constant struggle against the dark forces. The struggle is spiritual hence we need to seek the intervention of God through prayer so that he may help us to overcome these spiritual battles. When Jesus was on earth, he constantly prayed when faced with any battle.

Prayer also enable us love one another and to care about others. Love, peace, kindness, forgiveness, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness and gentleness are all fruits of the Holy Spirit. We receive them through prayers.

The fruits of the Holy Spirit also ensure that people live harmoniously. For instant, one of the fruit is love. People cannot leave peacefully unless there is love and peace amongst ourselves. Holy Spirit also enables us to forgive one another and also to be kind to those who have wronged us. Al these cultivates peaceful and harmonies coexistence of people in the society which is the intention of conducting prayers for humanity.

The other significance to talk about is the ability of knowing the wile of Gods in our life and being able to fulfill our destiny. Each and every one of us was created with a purpose to accomplish on earth. It is important that we realize the purpose of our creation so that we exploit our potentials to the fullest.

This is only possible if we pray and seeks the intervention from God. These are some of the significance of conducting prayers for humanity. While conducting such prayers, it is important that we consider looking for a quiet place so that we may seek the intervention from God.

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