Main Qualities Of Supreme Being

By Patricia Bailey

In this country, many individuals depend on the most supernatural and Almighty in their lives. In faith, they believe that they were created together with everything surrounding them. The Supreme Being that created all the creatures both seen and unseen, is the one still sustaining them. All things which are on earth are believed to have been brought about by Him. The only way you can understand about Him is through studying His qualities as they are discussed below.

Available anywhere and at all time. This attribute is unique and it tries to show how He is very different all other creatures that ever existed. This makes all believers understand that even if they are facing difficult times, He can save them because He watches everything happening. Since He can be at any place and time, then, He has been there for all generation that has passed and those coming.

Knows all the things that are on the face of this earth. Omniscience implies that He is all-knowing. There are many creatures including human beings. Everything that happens to them God knows. The knowledge that He has, no one has ever had it. He could see even that which is secret. All the hidden agendas, he can reveal them.

Even if there are so many governments, at least each country or state has authority. You cannot compare this with that of God. Omnipotent has to do with power, authority, and control, which is His attribute. He has power over touchable and untouchable, seen or unseen things in the world. Any creature cannot challenge his power. Therefore, He preserves them the way He wants.

Eternal life is a character of God too. The immortality of the Almighty is a sure way that, there is no day or time He will face death. Thus, since He has been living for the past period, He will still be alive for eternity. It is opposite to what persons face. The mortal people can die any time just like any creature. He was, is and will ever be there.

Above all, immeasurable holiness is part of the features of Almighty. You cannot separate holiness from Him because that is what defines Him and His work. He does not struggle with sin because being Holy is His nature. As for persons who are always in sins, and whenever they try to come out it, they again find themselves sinning. However, Almighty is and will ever be holy.

He is also regarded as a loving Father over His people. Most individuals in various countries can give testimonies to prove that He is love. Because of His kindness and the patience, He has over them, is a definite manner of love. That is the reason why he cannot be unfair to them and will always forgive them.

Finally, the existence of God is a significant quality that proves that He does not rely on anything or anyone before He can do something. Since He was not born, it shows that He is sovereign. Thus, the way in which some people think that they created to accompany Him is not true. Self-existence shows that He can govern Himself.

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