How To Use A Christian Executive Coach

By Katy Parfait

Christian leaders do just that - lead others, with the purpose of executing a vision. Those who lead and who are visionaries may not be particularly good as strategies and executing those strategies. This is where staff is hired to fill in those gaps and provide the missing pieces. A Christian Executive Coach is someone whose purpose is to fill voids in the lives of the leaders, serving a number of purposes as they push forward in their goals.

First, while we are leading our organization, the organization is not the "whole me". We have other aspects of our lives as leaders that matter to us. We have families, spiritual lives, friendships and community relationships that are part of our broader life vision. A primary objective for using a coach is to make sure they are carrying all of those objectives at the same time. Use your coach to make sure you don't forget about the "whole you".

Coaches also serve as motivation. When leaders lead, they often do so alone. They rarely have anyone looking over them to monitor their work.

If a leader is not at the top of his game, the entire organization will suffer and so will the overall vision. It is impossible for anyone to function at 100% at all times. A coach can be a "life alarm", used to challenge, push and steer an individual in the right direction.

A coach also provides a wise listening ear. So many ideas come to a leader at once, but some ideas should never be realized. Coaches will be able to determine what works from what doesn't; what serves you and will push the vision and what will hinder you. Though many people don't like to hear their ideas aren't good, as a leader, it is necessary to have someone say so.

Having a Christian Executive Coach means you have invested in being successful. Be strategic in how you use one to stay in line with your wider goals. This is your safety net.

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