Taking A Stand For Others

By Evan Sanders

It's time to take a stand for others.

Great men and women give back to the world, they don't take from it. Our world has had enough people roam it's lands and waters with the intention of stripping all of its resources. I think we've all had enough of that. Instead, be someone who can offer a significant amount of value to other peoples lives.

In the end, that's what really matters.

Our society has us deeply focused on acquiring versus giving.

We reside in a world that has us obsessed with results and grasping at whatever we can. This way of living has thrown many into the ground as we are constantly looking at the stuff we need versus being grateful for the things we have in our lives. We want what we want and we want it right now! But if you actually take some time to slow everything down and see what is happening around each of us, it's pretty phenomenal. There are numerous extraordinary things happening each day. But since we are living in the future so regularly we fail to see the wonderful things about the present.

Time to step out of that story.

When you take a step back from the allure of "progress" and start to see what other people are truly in need of, your perspective on this world really does change. Then, when you start to ask yourself the question, "What can I offer the world that it needs desperately" you are headed in the right direction. You might not understand immediately what it is that you have to do in order to fulfill this task, but undertaking the journey is a magnificent step.

Give all that you can to the world.

When you start giving, you end up being rewarded by life in the most incredible of ways. All of that good karma comes right back around to you and guides you in the direction you need to go.

Time to take a stand for others.

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