Say Goodbye To The Quantum Leap Of Change

By Evan Sanders

The secret of everlasting change is to focus on daily actions that you can take in the present moment and to reel your mind back in from living in the past or the future.

But how can you do this?

Change doesn't come easy. In fact, true long-lasting change comes at a price of devoting your entire life to taking daily steps. While we can make small changes on the spot, to make significant tectonic shifts in your life you will have to employ a completely different set of tactics than you used before.

The past will hold you down and the future will show you the greatest mirage of a place "where it all turns out." Both of these places are incredibly dangerous because they keep us from being in action in the present moment. Even though we can go there in our heads, we have to avoid living in these places at all costs.

The journey of change is far from being a straight line. Think about how many people really attempt to make great changes the on the first of January. Statistically, about 92% of those who make New Years Resolutions fail miserably close to the beginning of the year. 92%. The numbers don't lie so there must really be something incredibly broken with that system of goal setting.

So what can we do?

The plan for change is not as hard as you would imagine. In fact, it's incredible easy. Ready? Decide that you are going to focus on one thing a day to improve your life and do it. Elevate one aspect of your life every single day and you wouldn't believe what could happen to your life over the course of a year, two years, five years and so on.

Start a successful journey of change today.

Do it right now.

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