Origin Of The Word Yahweh

By Coleen Torres

According to the Christian bible, GOD is given many names among them are EL AND ADONAI. YAHWEH is believed to have been revealed to his people by the prophet Moses. The name was considered holy and therefore the letters YHWH were instead used to act as a reminder for one to use Lord instead of God name. The name has however changed over the ages to Jehovah which what is commonly used today.

Intellectuals dispute that the consonants YHWH ought to be deciphered to mean He Who Makes That Which Has Been Made. This is because it is understood that it was a verb in the prehistoric days that meant to be. This meaning can be supported by the books John and Exodus. The articulation however is not known.

The term is also known as the desert God, this is can be seen from the old testament as the Hebrew were traveling from Egypt to Canaan. When they eventually settled according to the narrative, His worship as the sole deity was inaugurated all over the land. It was common practice that each deity was available only in the region over which HE/SHE presided. Egyptian gods were not accessible in Greece and vice versa.

Been part of the Israelite beliefs, it is also supposed that He had a spouse identified as Asherah. Monotheism is therefore seen as a late occurrence, transient through dissimilar steps before stanch monotheism developed as the convention happening through Babylonian Exile. Differing from other gods, Israelite did not use idols to represent their god. This was due to the leadership of the Hebrew that got rid of several practices such as worshiping while facing the mountain and Holy grounds over time.

In history, in the course of the arrival to Canaan by the Israelite its alleged that the original people of Canaan were polytheistic. There was however no hostility between the people. The scriptural narrative is understood to be against the polytheistic philosophy of these Canaanites.

It is perceived the name was used up to the 6th century. That is when the land of Judah which was known as Canaan was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar when he was king. The prisoners of war included, doctors, teachers among other elites. The people began to gather in synagogues where the priest gave directions to the younger people and run-through their integral language. This conserved the Israelite ethos and with that their god.

Following the end of monarchial rule, a re-examination of traditions began. The term ceased to be vocalized and was only used once a year by the high priest during the Day of Atonement. The term is used in combination with other names all with different meaning such as shalom, rapha, nissi among others. The significance of the name is that it confirms the existence of God. He is therefore seen as to allow His people to call him personally rather than formally.

In closing, in prehistoric times, a character of a person can be told by the name that was given to them. This term is hence seen as conveying the character of always been available to his people by the Israelite god.

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