The Ideas Behind On Becoming Babywise

By Marci Glover

In the past new parents had a built in support system, with family and friends close by to help them. The modern world is very different. Most people live far away from their family and cannot count on help. Instead of turning to their own parents for advise, most modern parents turn to a book or the internet to answer their questions.

There has been an explosion of parenting books in the past few years. It would seem as though today's parents do not have confidence in their child raising skills. They feel that they should look elsewhere for help. With this in mind the latest parenting best seller has been On Becoming Babywise. The authors put a lot of research into their book and it has helped many thousands of parents to get their baby into a good routine.

The book has become a best seller because it really hits a chord with parents. It emphasises the need for structure and routine in a babies life. It has a clearly set out plan that follows well set out guidelines. At the same time readers feel that the flexibility of the program is a real bonus. It shows parents how to establish simple but effective sleeping and feeding programs very early on.

The book does a great job of explaining not only the short term goals but also the long term goals. Having structure within the family is crucial. It not only helps the parents, but also the children. The authors, pediatrician Robert Bucknam and Theologian Gary Ezzo, feel that routines need to be established early on in life lead to better adjusted children who can cope well with the demands of life.

The book also argues that some crying is natural for a baby and should not be taken too seriously. They feel it is perfectly fine to allow a baby a few minuets of crying to get themselves to sleep without being picked up. Just about every parent knows how difficult it is to ignore a crying baby and this can be very difficult for many parents.

Many parents have tried the Babywise method and taken the time to post their comments and reviews. On the whole most people found the advice very helpful. They were often struggling with establishing a routine for both sleep and feedings. The book shows them that it is never too early to start working on both these issues. Many people had success within a matter of days and this encouraged them to stay with the program. The book sets out a clear plan for the first year of life, with stages of expectation for the young child.

Good feeding and sleeping habits are crucial to proper growth. Both parents and babies will suffer if there long term problems with both of these fundamental aspects of life. Often establishing the routine is easier than the parents expected and they are thrilled to have a happy contented baby and a good nights sleep.

The book is very reasonably priced and can be purchased in most high street book stores. It can also be ordered on line and will be shipped in a day or two. Many new parents receive it as a gift and are very grateful to those who sent it. Parents are recommending it to other new parents and telling them how well the program has worked for their own baby. Exhausted parents are very willing to give it a try themselves.

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