Becoming An Outlier: Steps To Success

By Evan Sanders

It took me a long time to truly realize the seriousness of the concept of quality over quantity.

Maybe it's the world we have grown up in or something else completely, but there seems to be a compelling urge for people to get infatuated with going for quantity vs. quality. Who knows why this really is, but the results are known. When you end up going for quantity over quality, your life cheapens completely and you are surrounded by a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't really have much value to it.

Life has an interesting way of only opening doors and opportunities to us when we expand past our current boundaries. When we look to bring the best out in ourselves, these doors open to us because we are seeing and experiencing life in ways we haven't before. But this only happens when we decided to take on a challenge that will make us grow.

Most people become disappointed with their lives because they never had the courage or guts to go after what they really wanted for themselves.

You need to be willing to make sacrifices for your own greater good.

You have to be willing to keep yourself accountable, honest, and act with integrity at all times.

Above all, you must be willing to continuously raise the bar for yourself in order to become something great. Good is never good enough. Excellence is the goal.

When you let happiness find you instead of constantly going out and seeking it, life becomes a whole lot more interesting. Take some time to focus on improving yourself day by day and building your dreams. Eventually, as time goes on and you start tearing down the walls that protect you from putting yourself out there in the world, that happiness will find you.

There's so much out there about being happy, but I think anything, particularly when it's involved around an emotion, when attempted at "too hard" can basically end up being a disaster or completely inauthentic. I suspect, ultimately, making incremental changes to yourself and letting contentment find you because you're being the best version of yourself will deliver you more joy in the long run.

Decide that you are going to be something and go be it. Learn every single day. Be a good man or woman. Respect yourself to give yourself the best chance at living you can. This is your day and your world. You just have to go out there and take it.

But that's the thing that will make you great.

Be your own hero today.

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