Overview Of Stop Smoking Hypnosis Washington DC

By Stacey Burt

Smoking cessation is the cessation of tobacco use in order to overcome the induced addiction. Although cessation can be spontaneous, there are several aids, mainly aimed at stopping smokers. Such withdrawal is often difficult, varying the degree of dependence and motivation. Cessation reduces the effects of smokers on health stop smoking hypnosis Washington DC.

The evaluation of addiction is often necessary prerequisite before undertaking stop smokers. In fact, it depends on the risk of failure and the need for therapeutic help. This dependence can for example be approximated by the Fagerstrom test, which consists of a questionnaire on smokers habits. In an individual with this dependence, the desire to free himself from the majority. And in Britain 78% of smokers would like to be non-smokers on the horizon of one year and 80% had attempted in past 5 years (and already 75% in 16-25 years group). Cessation can be achieved immediately, or gradually by reducing the number of cigarettes daily. Both strategies seem equivalent in terms of spontaneous cessation.

The centers of telephone assistance were not led in Country to a rigorous medical evaluation. These services are poorly developed in practice: about 4000 calls Tabac Info Service in May 2011 by example. Internet has enabled the development of volunteer support groups, moderate and self-managed, as discussion10 forums or social networks (Twitter, Facebook). Various pharmaceutical manufacturers offer support to accompany drug therapy, sometimes called Therapeutic education.

Given the importance of health issues, many research projects of products to help quit smokers or to a reduction in consumption is underway. Another track in clinical trials aimed at preventing recidivism by producing antibodies temporarily preventing nicotine from flowing to brain during a gap abstinence. By analogy with the immunological prevention of infectious diseases and lack of other suitable term, these treatments are currently appointed vaccines.

Tobacco-free cigarettes are composed of plants to smoke (coltsfoot, hazel, sage, etc.). Compared to conventional cigarettes, their purpose is to allow the reproduction of act of smokers by preventing nicotine consumption. Their sale pharmacy dispensary was banned in Country in October 2006 are now on sale in tobacconists.

According to its proponents, the principle of homeopathy is to "fight evil with evil" using active substance causing symptoms similar to intoxication with tobacco, infinitesimal doses or nonexistent. The treatment is partially reimbursed by social security. However, the effectiveness of this method compared to placebo has not been scientifically proved. It is considered not validated by the Health Authority and AFSSAPS has ranked among the scientifically unproven therapies and not recommended.

According to a recommendation of High Health Authority for professional, medical care for patients who smoke is always recommended, especially if comorbidity or risk of complications (hospitalization, depression, pregnancy, multiple drug use, history or neuropsychiatric treatment, etc.) .

In 2008 were 646 registered clinics in medical cessation, almost equally divided between public (303) and private (343). There should be 4-6 consultations over several months. These services draw some ofir effectiveness in supporting a tobacco specialist trained in management of psychological component of addiction. They are usually accompanied by a pharmacological treatment to reduce cravings and cravings during the weaning period. There is no known cure for the prevention.

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