Which Law Of Attraction Book Do You Recommend

By Eddie H. Gillis

It seems that the "Law of Attraction" had concepts that have been around for centuries with several authors exploring the concepts and writing about them. Currently, many books on the "law of Attraction" have been written. Discussed below are the more prominent and featured books published.Hicks' Law of Attraction.Ester and Jerry Hicks wrote a book simply named "Law of Attraction". The two were inspired by what they call is a spirit who tells them that they need to instruct people to getting by they want just by believing. The book Law of Attraction is based on the practicalities and the principles of the Law of Attraction. If you read the book, you should have a greater understanding of how things turn out to be. It is then you will understand that the role you play is making the events around you too.

If you are looking for a short, clear explanation of the law of attraction, look no further than "The Law of Attraction" by Michael Losier. This slim volume takes you by the hand and shows you precisely how to utilize the law of attraction. Plus, the worksheets and extra goodies are available on his website.

For a fascinating look at the law of attraction from a somewhat odd source, check out any of the books by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Specifically, "Ask and it is Given" Esther channels a non-physical entity named Abraham who has a very engaging way of describing the law of attraction and its use.

Finally, no law of attraction collection would be complete without the cornerstone books on the subject, "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles, "The Master Key System" by Charles Haanel, and "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. All written in the early 20th century, these books were at the forefront of the "New Thinking" movement. They are indispensable volumes.

Since The Secret movie and book became extremely popular, increasingly more people now know about the laws of attraction. After reading the book, like millions of people worldwide, I believed that everyone had the power to make life changes to suit their personal preferences. However, I discovered later that The Secret was missing vital information about the laws of attraction. Read on to find out more.

In The Secret, the law of attraction is described as a natural law that can determine the order of our personal lives and the universe through a process called like attracts like. This means that our thoughts and feelings send out corresponding frequencies to the universe and this attracts similar circumstances and events back to us.

If you are looking for an overview of the law of attraction, David Hooper's book: Guide for Living: Law of Attraction - How to Attract Money, Love, and Happiness, is a short (80 pages) yet powerful book that explains and applies the law of attraction in different subject areas. The first part of the book is an overview, with quotes from a variety of writers about the law of attraction. In the second half, Hooper illustrates how to apply the concepts in a variety of areas of your life, such as work, relationships, and health. If your looking for a big picture explanation, with useful suggestions, this book does a good job with both.

Another book by the Hicks team is Ask and It Is Given. This book can be thought of as a practical guide to creating the life you desire. It lists twenty-two different steps that can help you employ the Law of Attraction to send your wants to you.Another popular book about the Law of Attraction is called "The Secret", by Rhonda Byrne. This book discusses how the understanding of these principles have been transmitted through time. It focuses specifically on the success of particular people today and in the past. Individuals who currently use the Law of Attraction in their own lives discuss how it works for them and why. You can see what it has done for their lives by reading this book, now one of the most popular on the subject.

There are many other books available, but the three mentioned here are good places to start. Many of these authors, such as Michael Losier and Jerry and Esther Hicks, also offer a variety of audio recordings of their work, if you prefer to listen to rather than read the information. These authors also have their own websites with additional information, and there are number of user reviews about their books available on Amazon and other venues. If you'd like to create positive change in your life with the law of attraction, any of these books will be a good place to start.

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