How Sexual Addiction Recovery Pleasant Grove Can Help You

By Michael Obrien

If you're looking for help for a sex addiction, then sexual addiction recovery Pleasant Grove has a number of treatments available. Many of these programs approach sex problems with similar strategies that have proven effective in treating drug dependency. Since this issue is often more common among substance abusers, a great many chemical dependency programs offer a sexual addiction program or some type of sex component.

Education about the nature of the problem and the behavior that comes with it needs to be addressed. What a clinic does is clarify misconceptions about what is a highly misunderstood issue. They do this by having separate groups in which couples work on the more intimate issues of their relationship.

Members of staff who are fully trained usually speak with members of the family. They'll tell them as much as they think they need to know and will try and banish their misconceptions. They understand that patients are vulnerable and so may withhold certain information. But they realize that therapy also means creating an environment at home that is understanding.

In contrast to drug and alcohol therapy, the aim of sex treatment is not lifelong abstinence from fornication, but instead it aims to terminate obsessive, unhealthy sex behavior. Since it is rather difficult for any sex addict to tell unhealthy sex from healthy, programs normally encourage abstinence from sex behavior for 60 to 90 days.

The treatment normally tries to address several issues. One thing they try and do is separate the actual act of unhealthy fornication from the patient. This is similar to how, in drug addicts, the actual drug is separated from the addict. This might mean a number of weeks of residential treatment. The reason for this is to protect the patient from the outside world, with its abundance of sexual and explicit images. It does this by having a controlled setting in which everything that the patient sees and hears can be vetted. Of course, if a patient has good family support this can be done outside the controlled environment.

Patients have to try and face the guilt, shame and depression associated with this illness. It takes time for a competent therapist to break through these barriers. Therefore, if you are depressed, the best treatment could possibly be an inpatient residential setting where professionals can monitor and properly manage your symptoms.

There are several programs dedicated to treating the condition, such as 12-step programs like Sexaholics Anonymous. Like may abstinence programs, they work along the lines of abstinence. However, where they differ from programs such as Narcotics Anonymous is that they only preach abstinence from the destructive and compulsive types of encounters. The steps include seeking help from a higher power, having a sponsor and attending regular meetings.

Sexual addiction recovery Pleasant Grove can help by offering a number of approaches. One such approach is Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. This looks at what reinforces and triggers actions related to the illness. It searches for methods of disrupting the process. Treatments include teaching the addict to stop sex thoughts by focusing on something else, and even by replacing their sex behavior with something else, like exercising or working out.

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