Understanding How The Law Of Attraction Works

By Sergio S. Brooks

You may ask yourself this question if you believe in the Law of Attraction but have not had the results you wished for. I know I have had my doubts from time to time... being able to manifest small things here and there but never achieving the level of success I had hoped for. I often wondered why could I think of a friend one minute and have her phone an hour later, but when it came to manifesting large sums of money I failed miserably. In fact, just the other day I thought "um I need to get a new headlight" and as I thought to myself "I haven't had anyone tell me it's out for a while", low and behold within a half an hour of having that thought a women yelled out her window to let me know my driver side headlight was burned out! That to me is the Law of Attraction working. Some may say... well that's just coincidence and not the Law of Attraction but I say different.

Scientists studying the natural Law of Attraction refer to the energy as a "vibe" or "vibration" (everything has a vibrational frequency), this is where the sayings "good vibes" and "bad vibes" stemmed from. Have you ever been introduced to somebody and immediately picked up a "bad vibe", this is because the frequencies and energy you're both radiating aren't in alignment, therefore there's conflicting energy on a subconscious level.

Well, the answer to that is simple too! According to Bob Proctor one of the key figures in the hit move The Secret and very successful Motivational Speaker, there are in fact 11 laws that accompany the Law of Attraction and they were simply left out of the movie. So, most people got the basic "jisk" of the Law but not the full version of it. Thus, leaving people frustrated and doubtful like me. He believes that great results will be achieved once the 11 Laws are learnt and applied.

Give off negative vibes and the universe will respond with equal negative vibes, give off positive vibes and the universe will respond with equal positive vibes.Remember these vibes are mostly transmitted and received on a subconscious level, the human mind truly is a remarkable tool with infinite potential once unleashed, where-ever the mind travels the body will surely follow.I hope that wasn't to scientific for you, I could have gone a lot deeper but most people will just throw claims out there of thinking positively to attract back that which you desire without giving good reasoning.YES, this is true that positive thoughts and beliefs will naturally attract the same back to you but now you know the underlying principle behind how the Law of Attraction works, so put it to use and start manifesting your dreams.

So... is the Law of Attraction real or just hype? I say yes the Law is real and will work for you if you learn how to let go of limiting beliefs and apply the 11 Laws that were not reveled in the hit movie. Personally, the results I saw in my life were incredible after I learned and applied the Law of Forgiveness. Once I was able to "let go" of past hurts and anger I immediately started to attract money. You can and will have the results you want if you discover the 11 Laws that Bob Proctor teaches and has used himself to become hugely successful.Supporting healthy eating, using the law of attraction

Where there is a will, there is a way. That is the old saying, however, you will find that the law of attraction will help you with your dieting and your eating habits because it will help you to gain a bit of control over yourself. You will find that there is a lot that you need to do in order to eat healthy, but you will also find that there is a lot that you can do in order to keep yourself positive. The key to things like dieting and eating right is finding a good place for yourself, emotionally.

You also need to show commitment to your own beliefs and focus your attention and energy on manifesting these beliefs into a physical entity. Allow for yourself to be free of your daily stresses and worries and allocate some time where you're solely focused on practicing the law of attraction and allow no other influences (especially negative) to impact your positive vibe.

The first step to the law of attraction says that you need to ask yourself what it is that you would like to do or have. Then you must ask the universe or even yourself for it. This means that you may not have to wish for discipline to eat healthy, but you will want to ask for something that will be working on yourself. Then you will need to think about all that it means. This means that it is going to affect your diet, your workouts, your personal strength and goals. When you ask for strength to change yourself from the inside out, you are making a decision that will affect several things in your life.You will find that there is a lot to the second step of the law of attraction and this is where you will find your success mostly. You will need to banish all the negative energy that surrounds you and learn how to embrace a positive energy.

This one approach alone can really bring about some profound changes if you truly adhere to it and continue to show gratitude and appreciation.Keep Doing The Things That Make You Feel Good.This final tip is one I picked up from Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey's 11 Forgotten Laws and sounds so obvious but it is astonishing the number of people who don't allow time for the activities they enjoy! If you enjoy a particular activity then it makes sense to do if more often right? Of course it does! The problem is far to many people become consumed by routine and don't engage in these activities.Make note of the things that make you feel good, it doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming. Even simple things such as making more time for old friends and acquaintances is a sure-fire way to feel good about yourself and more fulfilled.Not only doe this technique help speed up the process of the law of attraction but it is also going to help you enjoy life more which is another important step in manifesting your dreams alone!

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