Stress Management Tips For Learners

By Sep Vergouwen

Some stress is an important part of everyday life. As a consequence of being stressed we react to situations better, perform with a heightened level of awareness, access a more focussed way of thinking. But to live in a permanently stressed state is counter-productive; it is draining and bad for our long term health.Learning to prioritize is an important stress management technique. We can become habituated to instantly reacting whenever there is a request for work or help, but learning to prioritize is an important way to manage stress. Doing the most urgent tasks first helps to manage stress and pressure as it minimises the need to have people banging on the door, urgently demanding a piece of work.

Elimination of stress is unrealistic, since stress is a part of normal life. It is impossible to completely eliminate stress and it would not be advisable to do so. Some stress management techniques can be adapted to control the stress and its effects on physical and mental health. Managing stress is all about taking charge of your own thoughts, emotions, schedule and the way you deal with problems.

The most important stress management techniques are:Manage your time better: Poor time management causes a lot of stress. When you are running behind, it's hard to focus on learning. Make sure you do not over extend yourself.

Practicing stress management techniques prove beneficial in the long run and you would be glad to see the stark difference in your life turned totally stress free. Stress levels can be well defined by the way you react to different situations. Keeping a close check at your anger and carrying a positive attitude in life can work wonders in relieving your stress levels and in avoiding extreme reactions that might emotionally hurt yourself and others. Many refrain to accept the fact that their attitude towards life is due to the stress that has an adverse effect on their lifestyles. But denying such facts can only aggravate the levels of stress. Those who suffer from high stress levels either have tremendous weight gain or tend to lose weight. These weight disorders have an adverse effect on their health.

Focus on priorities: Write down your priorities and celebrate when you reach each one. It is one of the best tools to achieve the desired goals.Do something you enjoy everyday: Make time for leisure activities that bring you joy, whether it be playing the piano or working on your bike.Keep your sense of humor: This includes the ability to laugh at yourself.Exercise regularly: Make time for at least 30 minutes of exercise.Eat a healthy diet: Well nourished bodies are better prepared to cope with stress, so be mindful of what you eat.Reduce sugar: Sugar provides a crash in mood and energy. By reducing the amount of coffee, soft drinks chocolate and sugar snacks in your diet, you will feel more relaxed and better.Avoid drugs: Avoid alcohol and cigarettes. Self medication with alcohol and drugs may provide an easy escape from stress, but the relief is only temporary. Do not mask the issue at hand; deal with problems with a clear mind.

Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep fuels your mind as well as your body. Feeling tired will increase your stress because it may cause you to think irrationally.There are numerous proven techniques which encourage this state of intense rest and release.This article focuses on rhythmic, deep, diaphragmatic breathing. This vital stress management tool is "right under your nose" and as near as your breath! When you focus on slow, deep breathing, the in-breath fills your lungs and causes your lower belly to expand as the diaphragm descends downward into the softness of your relaxed belly.

By performing a task that is counter intuitive with being emotionally charged you give your whole body a chance to calm down. The adrenaline that your brain pumps into your system during periods of high emotions is eased back to normal levels. This lets your shoulders, abdominal muscles, and legs fall into a more comfortable state of being. A relaxed body has a harder time being emotionally engaged in negative interaction.

Then begin to become aware of a slight pause that spontaneously takes place at the end of each out-breath. Give yourself permission to remain here without rushing to take the next inhalation. Allow the next inhalation to surface when your body is ready to welcome it.Take pleasure in the comforting tranquility of the pause. Float peacefully in the silence of this pause between exhalation and inhalation, letting the breath happen of its own accord. Let the breath breathe you!

The act of tuning into something like this has profound physiological effects and can help you reduce your reaction to emotional tension faster and with greater ease. It is certainly not comfortable to be worked up. Allowing an activity to help you cope is a great way to learn how to stay calmer.

Studies have shown that people who can calm themselves intentionally are much more able to remain calm for longer periods of time under duress. The consistent training of the mind to release the tension helps it to happen automatically even when tension is building.Using coloring books as one of your stress management techniques can increase your overall productivity and help intensify your commitment to living a happier and healthier life. By engaging in the practice you can exert more control over your reactions and develop healthier outlets almost overnight.Do you want to learn more about Stress Management Techniques - Using Coloring Books and other Stress Management Techniques?

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