How To Get More Vitamin D To Alleviate Seasonal Depression NY Locals Experience

By Anthony Howard

There is a form of depression that tends to show up during wintertime. Mental health authorities refer to it as seasonal affective disorder or SAD. It is brought about by different things like stress, poor eating habits and disruption in the circadian rhythm. However, experts say that the primary culprit is insufficiency in vitamin D that can be obtained from the sun. The good news is there are numerous ways to get more of this nutrient in order to alleviate seasonal depression NY locals tend to experience each time winter strikes.

Go outside the home during the daytime. The sun's UV rays are capable of penetrating clouds. This is why stepping foot outside the home even on a cloudy day is highly recommended for someone who is suffering from SAD. However, going outdoors should be avoided after 10 am and before 4 pm in order to keep at bay sunburns, premature skin aging signs and skin cancer. The application of sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or greater may be done instead.

Partake in mood-enhancing activities near a window. Sitting next to a window that faces the sun permits an individual to obtain vitamin D indoors. For best results, it is best coupled with activities that can help put a smile on one's face. Some wonderful examples are listening to songs with upbeat tempos and having video calls with family and pals.

Install a light therapy lamp. Because it also emits UV rays, a light therapy lamp is able to yield vitamin D just like the sun. What's so amazing about this product is that it allows an individual to obtain the mood-lifting nutrient even at night. However, it's important to follow the manufacturer's directions for use in order to keep at bay problems commonly associated with prolonged light therapy lamp use like eye strain, headache and sunburn.

Add vitamin D-rich foods to the diet. The sun is not the only source of the much-needed vitamin. It can also be obtained from tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring and many other oily fish types. Egg yolks, beef liver and chicken liver supply it as well.

Go for fortified food products. While you are grocery shopping, remember to carefully read labels. It is a wonderful idea for you to opt for goods that are fortified with vitamin D. Some very common examples include breakfast cereals, cow's milk, soy milk and orange juice.

Take it in supplement form. If it seems like one's diet does not provide enough of the said vitamin, taking it in tablet form is a good idea. Sufficient amounts of the mood-lifting nutrient may also be obtained from cod liver oil. Before taking any type of supplement, it's recommended for a person to first consult his or her doctor.

Get the help of a professional. Some who fails to attain considerable changes in the mood after trying various home remedies is encouraged to consult an expert. More often than not, severe SAD cases call for the intake of medications in order to put the mental health issue under control effectively.

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