The Foreshadowing Of Christ As Explained In The Old Testament

By Mark Thompson

The gospel books that comprise the bible explain the life of the foretold Messiah. Different aspects which happened in the Old Testament explains the life of the Messiah. This means that the coming of Christ was known to happen even during the creation of the earth. The following are biblical aspects that explain the foreshadowing of Christ.

The demise of Abel. Abel death is a perfect description of Jesus Christ. He was a shepherd just like how He is described in the gospel books. Also, the used to sacrifice burnt offering to God which is considered as a sweet fragrance. Jesus is described as the perfect sacrifice of God as well. Also, the death of Abel foreshadows the death of Messiah.

The attempt of Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham offering his only son suggest the decision that God took in offering His only son. Isaac taking wood for the sacrifice signifies the cross that Jesus carried. It took three days for God to provide a lamb to Abraham for the sacrifice sparing the life of Isaac. This indicates the God gave us Christ as our sacrificial lamb and took three days to resurrect as well.

Similarities in the birth of Jesus. Both Jacob and David were promised by God that a great kind would be born from their lineage. Jesus is among their genealogy making this statement an explanation of his birth. Also, prophets like Isiah and Micah had prophesied the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.

The life ministry of Jesus. There are a few aspects explaining the foreshadowing of Jesus ministry. To start with, sacrifices made during the Old Testament era were supposed to be free from blemish which is the same explanation given about Jesus in Hebrews. He is described as a person who is free from mortal sins and from this we become righteous.

The bronze snake in the wilderness. The Israelite faced the wrath of God in the wilderness by being bitten by snakes. God showed mercy to them and asked Moses to make a bronze snake which they could heal if they looked at it. This implies Jesus who is the sacrifice of every sin. By calling upon the name, sinners are freed from their sins just like how the Israelite were healed by looking on the bronze snake.

The story of Daniel and King Darius. Daniel used to live a life of purity which signifies the life that messiah lived. King Darius signed a decree which was meant to prosecute anyone who was praying to God. This did not bother Daniel leaving him prone to persecution. King Darius act of saving Daniel from the persecution does not bear fruit just like Pontius Pilate attempt to free Jesus from being crucified.

Similitude in Elijah and Elisha. Elijah and Elisha performed miracles which are similar to those that Jesus did. Elijah fed one hundred men with only twenty loaves just as Jesus fed Five thousand men with five loaves and two fish. Elisha as well is documented to have raises a young boy which is similar to the raising the daughter of Jairo from death.

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