The Supreme Being Is More Than Human Imagination

By Pamela Gray

Many people believe in a creative God. However, they may think this Deity a concept rather than a person. Christians not only think of the supreme being as a person, they believe that they can know Him personally. They believe that He has revealed Himself to mankind through His written word and through His son, Jesus.

Millions believe that there are many paths to the afterlife. Others think that this life down here is the only one we will ever know. Lots of people believe that their 'good deeds' will get them to a happy place after they die. Christians believe that, even though they are not worthy of an eternally secure place in heaven, they can have life everlasting with a holy God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

The Bible tells us that this is the case, however. God revealed Himself to the descendants of Adam by His creation. Man could know the nature of the Lord by observing what He had made. God also revealed Himself through the person and life of Jesus. Those who don't believe in this may still feel gratitude to something or someone for the world and the universe around them.

A nebulous view of divinity allows people to form their own view of 'god' and set their own code of ethics. It allows for a diversity of opinions and a relative view of 'truth'. People may take this approach in order to accommodate the opinions of others, or they may follow this code in order to have more of what they see as personal freedom.

It's interesting that many who profess to believe that the godhead is a concept rather than a person still feel that they can ask for favor from this nebulous spirit. It makes more sense to others that they are indeed 'made in God's image' and can become children of God. They like the idea of a heavenly father who looks out for them.

In the Bible, God has both feminine and masculine characteristics. He is portrayed as God Almighty and the everlasting father, a mighty spirit who talks to men and women. Those who want to see Him as a black woman, for instance, must depart from scripture to do so. Different religions offer different pictures of divinity.

Accepting God's personhood makes a real relationship possible. Once a believer confesses the need for a savior and accepts the restoration provided by the blood of Jesus, he or she becomes a child of God. Being a part of the family of God carries responsibilities, but the benefits far outweigh any cost.

Eternal life is worth anything we can give up, and having a loving relationship with the creator of the universe makes life on earth incredible rich and fulfilling. People can talk to God; they can know Him through His word, and they can have the security of a code of conduct and a constant source of help and comfort.

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