Useful Information About Christian Church Wichita KS

By Ann Morris

Religion is a good thing. It imparts into people morals. One of the biggest religions in the world is Christianity. This religion started over two thousand years ago. It started in the Middle East and latter spread to Europe. From Europe, it went to Americas, Asia, Africa and other parts of the world. There are believers in all the corners of planet earth. Some people usually go to a Christian church Wichita KS. In the United States of America, there is freedom of religion. This is enshrined in the American constitution.

It is easy to know a true believer. One does not have to investigate hard so that to know whether one is a believer. The real Christians are known by their behaviors. First and foremost, they never skip service unless they are very sick. A serious believer will always honor the Sabbath day whether it is Saturday or Sunday.

One should attend service on time. Being late is not desirable. In most cases, the mass begins in the morning and ends in the afternoon. One should patiently wait for the closing prayer so that to go home. During the course of a service, there will be worshiping, praising, and also praying. There will also be a time for testimonies.

Christianity is based on the Holy Bible. This has the Old and the New Testament. Prophesies of Old Testament are fulfilled in the New. Heaven and earth will pass away but not a single word of the Bible will pass without being fulfilled. A good believer will read his Bible on a daily. Bible study will come in handy.

The journey of faith starts in the world but it ends in heaven. During this journey, the compass of the believer should be the Bible. To be able to succeed in this journey, baptism is needed. This marks the beginning of a new life. After coming from the water, a believer should not look behind but should strive for the heavenly prize.

There is more than one denomination in Christianity however believers of the different denominations speak one language: the language of the Bible. The Holy Bible is what unites believers from all walks of life into one major body of faith that is called Christianity. The biggest Christian faith is Catholicism. The Catholic Church has billions of followers in different countries.

After around a thousand years since the birth of Catholicism, there was the great reformation that was led by Martin Luther from Germany. This reformation led to the formation of Protestantism. There are more than a thousand Protestant churches. One of them is the Baptist church. This denomination started in the United States of America. Americans have contributed a lot to Christianity.

A true believer will not be known by his words. Instead, he will be known by his actions. One should not preach water and drink wine. Hypocrisy is a bad thing. Believers should be the salt and light of the world. For when salt is trampled upon, it loses its saltiness. Also, no one lights a lamp and places it under a table.

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