Learning With Christian Audio Sermons

By Betty Hall

Today there are many evangelists and Bible scholars on television and radio. Getting Christian audio sermons is easy. Most ministries have online stores offering past lessons, and many also give away their more popular ones in return for donations. Other organizations may post them online, where you can listen to them for free.

These are a great resource for anyone who wishes to learn more about the Bible or to deepen their faith. There are great men and women of God who lecture their congregations or audiences on a daily or weekly schedule. With recordings, these speakers can reach millions of people as well. Many believers have their favorite preachers and plan their days so they won't miss a message.

Listening to an uplifting discussion while driving to and from work can take a lot of the pain out of commuting. It also means that you can fit valuable bible teaching into your busy schedule; it's like attending a seminary while you also take care of everyday business. With a portable player, you can even listen while exercising or riding on the bus.

Another valuable facet of this form of communication is that some teaching is either so relevant or so deep that you feel like hearing it more than once. With audio tapes or posts, you can go over the same material again and again. When you have really gotten the message, you can share it with friends or family members.

The impact of audio messages can be huge. Educators and authors like Doctor Dobson help parents raise children, husbands create stability at home, and women find fulfillment in the difficult task of running the house and allowing their husbands and children to achieve their potential. Television hosts Pat Robertson and his son, Gordon, are seen daily on their news program and send out monthly CD copies of their teachings on spiritual matters.

Pastors like Charles Stanley and Chip Ingram are household names. People listen to them for encouragement, correction, enlightenment, and inspiration. Those who would have a hard time reading a book by these and other Christian authors thrive on listening to discs or tapes. Some people listen to discs when they can't sleep and find them soothing.

Ask almost any believer and you will find that they value being able to listen to Christian teachings. Many say that their lives have been changed by revelations of biblical truths they were not understanding from their own reading of scripture. For example, learning the meaning of the Greek or Hebrew word used originally can change the whole nature of the text. Others like hearing the experiences of believers who have battled similar problems and come out victorious.

Learning how to incorporate biblical precepts into daily life is critical to righteousness. Recordings allow speakers to instruct people they will never meet in person. The resources available to those of us who desire to hear the Word of God and walk devoutly are almost limitless. Each of us will be sure to find a lesson or a series of lessons by a speaker that tells truth in a way we can hold on to.

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