Best Advice When Wanting To Volunteer In Developing Countries

By Joseph Reed

The chance to volunteer abroad can be both intimidating and exciting at the same time. There is that fear of encountering unknown forces, but then you also get to experience a whole new world that you have never seen before. This is an opportunity that you should definitely not miss out, so here are some great tips to know before you pack your bags and do your part to help the world.

Be prepared to rough it out because this job primarily does away with the creature comforts you are used to having at home. When you are a volunteer in developing countries, chances are you will be living and working in very squalid conditions, and this is not for the faint of heart. Not only do you have to be physically able to handle this, but you should also be mentally prepared for the challenge.

Your placement is determined by the administrators over at the volunteering program, so when you receive the information, your next order of business is to study all there is to know about your destination. From the language and customs to their climate and geography, you should be busy absorbing all the info you need. This will definitely serve you well during your time spent abroad.

Do not assume that this trip is a vacation because you are not traveling to exotic destinations to just have fun. As such, bring only the most essential and reusable items like clothes and sturdy shoes, which can fit inside a single heavy duty backpack for easy mobility when traveling from place to place. Anything that is superfluous or does not serve a purpose to your trip should be left at home.

Prior to your departure, get yourself tested for any diseases and make sure you get all the necessary vaccinations and medical shots which will boost your immunity against any foreign illnesses. This is a mandatory requirement that all volunteers have to comply before leaving. You certainly do not want to fall sick in a country with limited access to advanced medical facilities.

As a supplement to the previous statement, you must also be vigilant when it comes to helping the lives of others. Therefore, possessing the skills and knowledge on simple medical procedures will prove beneficial when the need to use them shall arise. Examples of the things you should practice include the application of first aid as well as knowing how to perform CPR.

Not everyone you will encounter is your friend, because there will always be those who have malicious intentions towards foreigners. That being said, there are plenty of people who are genuine and truly want to help you out when you need assistance. Strike the right balance between keeping your guard up at all times but also coming across as being polite and friendly to the locals.

Finally, you should be prudent when it comes to finances so make sure your bank account is considerably ample before you leave. There is a possibility that you might need to spend more than your intended budget, so having access to backup funds is crucial. Do not bring loose cash with you, so use your international ATM or credit card as most businesses accept these forms of payment.

Volunteering has its ups and downs like any other job, but the rewards you get from the experience will surely make an impact. This guide can definitely steer you in the right direction when you need a bit of help. Always remember to keep an open mind so you may broaden your horizons in the process.

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