Many People Are Seeking Quality Law Of Attraction Advice

By Marcie Goodman

Law of Attraction advice is probably some of the worst you will get. It states that "like attracts the like". The problem with this is that though it's an attractive concept, it doesn't always hold true. The appeal of this concept is negated by the indifference of the real world. Reality doesn't have the ability to care. The naive assumption that your attitude can influence the world around you is responsible for complacency, not change.

"Like attracts like" asserts that if you are a positive person, you will attract positive things. On the other hand, negativity will attract negativity by this train of thought. It is an attractive way of thinking. It's nice to believe that by being a positive person you can attract positive things. It sounds very easy. All you have to do is stop thinking negatively and things will change.

Focusing on the positives isn't always easy. For people who have survived extremely difficult situations like the Holocaust, it can be near to impossible. The key is focusing on the survival aspect of it. Often times, it is difficult to imagine how much worse things can get but it isn't so difficult to imagine that they could be better.

If you have a difficult decision to make and you are unsure of how to go about it, it will serve you better to be mindful of all of the consequences. Do this, rather than just be sunny and positive and hope for the best. It is much safer to make decisions based on fact than hopes.

For a lot of situations, you can study how they worked out historically and see how to react. Using the example of a cheating spouse again, you can look at different examples of when a spouse was or wasn't cheating and then go from there. Many people have worked this out before using all different kinds of ways and there have been many different outcomes.

If you aren't a confrontational person, it may be in your best interests to take an approach that involves legal representation rather than one on one discussion. Having said that, if you are capable of a more direct approach, it may give you the information and closure that you are looking for without the added expense of hiring a lawyer. It all depends on what you are capable of.

The reason that many people give this way of thinking more credence than they should is because of the human tendency to feel "unique" or "special". We all want to feel like we are individuals who matter but the reality of it is that we are only one person of the six billion or so who live on this planet. Unless you are lucky enough to be entrusted with a powerful political office or a massive fortune, you probably will make as much impact as a fart in a windstorm.

Law of Attraction advice is not sound advice. The power of positive or negative thoughts only effects your own perception of what is going on around you, not the reality that it is happening. It is an attractive way of thinking for lots of people but it isn't very productive.

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