Asking Can This Be The Second Coming

By Leticia Jensen

If you are asking 'Can this be the Second Coming' based on an event you've witnessed or heard about, you'll be glad to know that the answer is in the Bible. Scripture tells us quite a bit about the Lord's return. It also warns us not to be deceived by false claims.

Jesus answers this question Himself. In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 17, verse 24, He is quoted as saying: 'the Son of Man will be like lightning, which lights up the sky.' This tells us that we won't miss the return of out Lord or realize it gradually. Rather it will burst upon us with power and drama. Jesus also says: Do not go running off after people who say 'Here He is!'

There are other clues in the personal accounts of those who have been to Heaven and returned to tell the tale. You might not believe these accounts or even the Bible, but if you're looking for a return of Jesus, which is what this is all about, you must believe something. Eyewitness accounts, which are acceptable in a court of law, are our best sources of information.

People who have met Jesus in Heaven had no problem knowing who He was. Small children and grown men and women knew Him instantly. He still looks like He did on earth after His resurrection, with love in His face and nail holes in His hands. He tells us in the Bible that His sheep will know His voice, and so believers do. They should not mistake another man for their Lord and savior.

The tribulation occurs before the Lord's return. If you're living in peace and safety, with good health and plenty of food, the return of Jesus is probably at least seven years away. We already have wars and rumors of war, strange weather, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and other early warning signs, but no seven 'last plagues' as yet. Read the Book of Revelation.

If someone seems to be responsible for a miracle, this is not proof of divinity. The Bible tells us that many will come to claiming to be the Christ and performing signs and wonders. Those who take care not to be deceived must understand prophecy about the return of the Lord. The miracles of Jesus were example of His love as well as proof of His identity. He pointed to the blind seeing and the lame walking when disciples of John the Baptist came asking if He was the awaited one, but he did his miracles on the basis of need, not as an attraction.

Rather than being a world leader living in a palace, Jesus was a wanderer with 'no place to lay his head'. He spoke of a kingdom, but it was not an earthly one. A man with worldly renown and authority who is acclaimed as the savior of the world by those who would probably pass Jesus by in a crowd will not be the returning Lord.

'Is this the Second Coming?' is a legitimate question. We're to be on the watch for His return. However, heed the scriptures and wait for the one who comes riding on a white horse and the clouds, heralded by loud trumpets and with a heavenly host of followers.

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